Chapter 6: I get roped into quidditch

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"Oh Iris goddess of the rainbow show me Jason Grace"

The coin flashed to see an image of the blonde superman.





"How are you two doing?"

"Eh we're alright"

"Do I need to come kill anyone?"

"Yeah but you gotta wait till after the war is over then we can kill em."

"K. Cool Talk to ya later."


"You know Perce you do good on the quidditch team," Draco said as we were walking to class.


"I'll show you after class."


"So I have to catch a flying winged ball?"

"Yeah it's not that hard once you get the hang of it." Draco started. "I used to be a seeker."

"Then why don't you just stay seeker!"

He shrugged, "I think you'll do better."

Let's just say that practice session consisted of me falling off my broom numerous times and the heart breaking laughing of Pansy , Nico and Blaise.





He flinched. Note to self: don't scream in front of Draco.

"Chill I'm just joking but Siriusly we're screwed."

"Did you just use my uncle's name as a pun"


We are so not gonna win.

Ok fuck that previous statement.

I caught the snitch and we won!

The look on the boy who should have died face was priceless!

I'm actually liking this quidditch thing.

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