Chapter ⁰ - Introduction

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The Beginning of it all

" No how can you get pregnant! This is a mistake." A man in his mind's thirties yelled at a woman in her late twenties.

" We did it when we were drunk." The woman answers with her head down.

" I don't want any more children Aditya, Atharva and our princess Aadhya is enough for me!" The man also called Vikram yelled at his wife Jiya.

Their family was different from other traditional families. Vikram married Jiya for the sake of his children after his wife died due to cancer. While Jiya's husband died in a crash when she was expecting their first child together. It was just for the children and nothing else. Vikram even though he didn't fall for his new wife but adored his wife's child Aadhya.

He always wanted a daughter and she was his daughter his princess. When Aadhya was three her parents had sex for the first time which resulted in Nandini being born. Jiya wanted to keep it for the sake of not killing the child And they did.

Nandini was always ignored, Aadhya everything was about her she had to be in the spotlight. What about Nandini then, she merely just existed.

There was one person who loved her dearly, her bua. Vikram's sister Vijaya never felt a connection with Aadhya but when Nandini was born she fell in love with the child. She had one son Vijay but when Nandini was born, Vijaya loved her like a mother.

Nandini tried her best to gain jer father's love but one incident made her slowly distance herself from her family.

When Nandini was 5

It was little Nandini's birthday today she was going to turn five. Her father again didn't remember her birthday. But her Bua promised to bring her a gift. She walked to the hall when she heard the door bell ring happy.

" Bua!" She exclaimed.

" Meri rajkumari Happy Birthday." The lady said as she hugged the little girl.

" Vijaya didi you?" Vikram asked as he sat on the couch.

" Oh I came for Nandini's birthday."

" Nandini's birthday? It's today?" He asked himself.

" Here I bought you a gift open it." She said handing the gift to her niece.

" Wah! Thank you bua love you." The little girl said smiling ear to ear. She knew this was her first and only birthday gift like always.

" Nandini show me." Aadhya said as she snatched the toy away from the little girl's hand.

" Wow I've always wanted one like this. " Aadhya said examining the toy. While handing the toy she purposely dropped the toy breaking it.

" Oh sorry my hands slipped." She apologized as her eyes filled with tears.

" Aree Aadhu it's okay, it's just a toy not worth your tears. It's precious like you." Vikram said consoling Aadhya while Nandini looked at the broken toy. Her only birthday gift.

" You little brat you broke it purposely! " Vijaya yelled.

" Di don't shout!"

" What about Nandini look at her, this brat's tears are precious but not this little angel's. Did any of you remember her birthday? But oh when it's Aadhya's birthday there is a grand celebration!. A scumbag of a father you are."

" Enough this is my home. Leave right now."

Vijaya looked at the girl who was crying alone while picking up the pieces of the broken toy then looked at her brother who did not even notice Nandini and left.

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