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     The story starts after 07 years of exile of Pandavas and Draupadi after the dreadful day, the Dyut Sabha. The scene starts from when Dwarakadesh Shree Krishna comes for Peace Treaty.  In this Time, He brings Pandavas and Draupadi also.


      As usual the Hastinapur Sabha is going on.  Suddenly, the Dwarpal comes and informs that Vasudeva Krishna had asked for permission to enter the sabha with Pandavas and Draupadi.  The court start wispering among others.  It raises various emotions in the members of sabha.  The King Dhritirashtra and Gandharraj Shakuni becomes paranoid, Gangaputr Bhisma, Mahamantri Vidhur, Guru Dron and Maharani Gandhari becomes elated and the Three Musketeers, i.e., Gandharinandhan Suyodhan, Radhey Karn and Kripinandhan Ashwatthama becomes relief at hearing the news as they have a slight idea at what is about to happen.

     The Eldest Kaurava was really ashamed and wanted to ask forgiveness for the sin which he committed in Dyut Sabha to Agnisutaa Draupadi, after someone made him realise his mistake.  He was waiting for 07 year for this date to relieve him from the undying guilt.  This thing was definitely not known by other except for Karn, Vrushali,  Ashwatthama, Gauri, Bhanumati, THAT SOMEONE and the three musketeers children.

     After permission given by the King,  Krishna, Pandavas and Draupadi entered into the hall.  After greeting everyone Krishna started to say the reason for their visit, "Pranaam everyone, As per the rules of Dyut Sabha, the Pandavas and Draupadi had completed the Vanvas of 06 years and 1 year of Agyatavas, I kindly request you to give them what is rightfully theirs."

    "What is rightfully their Vasudev?  My Bhanje had rightfully won them in the Dyut.  It is rightfully my Bhanje." Said Shakuni.

     "Mamashree, kindly be quite." said Suyodhan.  But Shakuni was not having any of it, he was as always manipulating everything to his favours by his words.  Karn, Ashwatthama, Bhishma and Vidhur doesn't like it one bit.

     From starting the Pandavas and Drarupadi has not spoken a single word till now.  When Shakuni uttered those words, they were quite enraged.  Not able to hold the emotion, Vayuputr Bheemsen roared, "How can our Hard earned kingdom can be rightfully of that bad omen?  Gandharraj, u had tricked us. Indhraprastha and its wealth are of our Jyesth."

    "How can u accuse my Bhanje and myself like this, putra Bheem?  Ask anyone in this Sabha, whether my Bhanje did any tricks during Dyut Sabha?  If it is then the Kingdom will be yours." said Shakuni with a sly smile.

    All this while the Great Chakradhari was quite and having a enchanting and amusing smile.  Seeing this the saavyasachi asked him, "Madhav, why are you not speaking anything to help us and smiling like this?"

    All that Giridhar said was "There is no need for me to help you this time, Parth.  There is someone who is going to help and will be able to make Mamashree Shakuni to seal his mouth."

    As he completed the statement, tthe Dwarpal made an announcement, "Karnaatmaja Vrushaliputri Vasundhara is coming."

To be Continued.....

I have made a crucial change... the exile will be for 7 years.  I have changed it for my convenience.

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