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Saagnika - 21 years

Lakshman, son of Duryodhan and Bhanumathi - 22 years

Lakshmana, daughter of Duryodhan and Bhanumathi - 22 years

Vrishasen, son of Karn and Vrushali - 27 years (married Pukya princess, Chandrakala) [imaginary character]

Vrishaketu, son of Karn and Vrushali - 19 years

Aakash, son of Ashwatthama and Gauri - 22 years (7 months older than Lakshman and Lakshmana)

Other kauravas children are or less than 21 years old

Prathivindya, son of Yuddhistir and Draupadi - 26 years (married Kunthala princess, Devasena) [imaginary character] 

Sutasoma, son of Bheem and Draupadi - 25 years

Satanika, son of Nakul and Draupadi - 24 years

Shrutasena, son of Sahadev and Draupadi - 23 years

Suthanu, daughter of Yuddhistir and Draupadi - 22 years (married to Bhanu, son of Krishna and Satyabhama)

Shrutakarma, son of Arjun and Draupadi - 21 years

Abhimanyu, son of Arjun and Subhadra - 18 years

just made some small changes

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