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    Vrishaketu said cheekily "Kaka Shree, as per the challenge, you have to obey whatever Didi says today."  Hearing it Vasundhara smiled mischievously and said "Be ready, Kaka Ashwa."  Ashwatthama gulped nervously and nodded hesitantly.  Karna and Duryodhan chuckled seeing their friend's plight.  Duryodhan said "You called it upon yourself, Mitra.  When you already know who is going to win even before the start of the dual, then I don't know why you are challenging her?"  Ashwatthama turned towards him and said "It is definitely not helping my situation.  I don't know what she is planning to do with me for this whole day."

    Pandavas came towards them.  Seeing them, Saagnika held a blank look in her face.  Duryodhan greeted them and following him others greeted the Pandavas.  Nakul said "It was a brilliant fight and your moves were awesome, putr-- I mean Rajkumari Saagnika."  Saagnika replied "Thank you, Rajkumar Nakul."  "If you don't mind, can we know who is your Guru?" asked Yuddhishtir politely.  Saagnika said "My Gurus are Ardhanareshwar, Asuraguru Shukracharyar and Rishi Bairavan {imaginary character}."  Pandavas were shocked hearing her Gurus names.  They were further shocked to know that Rishi Bairavan was also her guru as they know it was rare to even see him.  But she was his student.  They had heard about him that he didn't take any students to teach since Satya Yug. They were not able to believe it.  Arjun was proud of her.

    Before any of them could speak anything, a voice halted them "If you had finished practicing, come to have breakfast."  They turned and saw Vrushali and Draupadi. Draupadi came to call Pandavas whereas Vrushali came to call her family.  "Aryo, it is already late.  Come and have breakfast." said Draupadi to Pandavas while her eyes were on Saagnika.  Saagnika didn't even spare her glance.  All of them started moving towards the Dining Hall.  Vasundhara was walking while holding Vrushali's hand and speaking with her animatedly about dual in Training arena.  Draupadi was seeing this from the back with longingness.  She wanted her daughter to be like this with her.  Arjun noticed this and intertwined his fingers with her.  He gave a small squeeze as an assurance that everything will change.

    Everyone reached the Dining Hall.  All of them sat in their place.  Many of them had breakfast already.  Those who were in Dining hall was Krishna, Gandhari, Kunti, Three musketeers and their wives, Pandavas and Draupadi and Panchabhootham including Lakshmana who came back from library.  After having breakfast, everyone settled in common chamber.  Later, Gandhari questioned "What happened?  Why were you all late for breakfast?"  Suyodhan answered "Nothing Mata.  Zaara and Ashwatthama had a sword dual.  That's why we were late."  Draupadi who was new to this information was shocked.  She asked Saagnika worriedly while moving towards her "What?  What was the need to dual with a Maharathi like Ashwatthama? Are you hurt anywhere, Putri?"  Seeing Draupadi coming near her, Vasundhara showed her hand to stop her.  "No need to come near me, Samragyi.  Also, I had warned you many times not call me Putri.  So refrain from calling me as such" said Vasundhara in a cold tone.  Kunti questioned "How can you speak like this to your mother, Saagnika?  Whatever might had happened in past, she is still your mother."  Draupadi asked this time "What do you mean that I don't need to come near you?  I am your mother.  I have every right to get worried about you."

    Hearing this Lakshmana started laughing loudly which caught others attention.  Her laugh was sarcastic.  She said "Sorry for laughing like that.  I just can't stop laugh hearing Samragyi's joke.  The one who believed others instead of her own daughter when they said she poisoned an unborn child.  It clearly says you care and trust her, Samragyi."  Draupadi was tongue tied as she don't know how to encounter her statement.  Jagat pita smiled sadly.  Karn turned towards Vasundhara and gave a look towards her.  As if understanding her father's question by his look, she answered "I told them about everything, yesterday night."  Karna nodded his head in understanding.   The chamber got into awkward silence.

    Krishna asked a question to avoid further awkwardness "What are you all going to do today?"  Vrishaketu and Lakshman said they were having some classes with Bhishma and Vidur.  Lakshmana and Aakash said they were going to Hastinapur market as Lakshmana wanted to go  there and Aakash was accompanying her.  Vasundhara looked at them with a teasing smile and wiggled her eyebrows at them.  Lakshmana blushed slightly and Aakash held a blank look as if it didn't affect him.  Krishna asked "What are you going to do, Pari?"  "I am going to library, Mamashree.  I have to know about some things."  Krishna nodded his head.

     When Sahadev heard that Vasundhara is going to library, he decided to go there and wanted to know about her.  Bhanumathi and Gauri said that they are going to temple.  Vrushali said she will be in the chamber.  Draupadi decided to speak with Vrushali as she will be alone in her chamber.  Everyone started to move outside the common chamber.

To be Continued...


Hello Everyone,

I know this is a silly chapter.  I made this one for a continuity.  I had given some clue in this chapter for the future chapter but I had not highlighted it. (HINT: If you found the clue, link it with Mandhagini POV in 19th chapter). Next, chapter will be about the conversation between Vrushali and Draupadi.  I don't if anybody noticed it or not, everytime when a Pandava or Draupadi speak with her as if they are her parents, she doesn't respond to them instead her friends will react and taunt them.  I am not making her to speak with them as I want it to be a epic confrontation. 

Keep supporting me and vote the story if you like it.  I think many readers are not voting the chapter.  Kindly inform me if you don't like anything about the story or you want me to change it.  I would try to change those things.

Yours lovingly,

Author Mayavathi

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