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Saagnika POV:

      Parvati amma (Goddess), why is this happening to me?  I was leading a happy and a peaceful life.  Why could it not continue like that?  Why should I have to see my biological parents today?  I know one day, I have to face my past but I didn't expect this soon. They were the ones who was the cause of my pain in past.  I thought only Mamashree Krishna will come but why should they be here?  Whatever, it is, I don't wish to get involved with them.  I have MY FAMILY.  Karn Papa, Vrushali ma, my 2 brothers, Kaka Suyo, Bhanu Kaki, Lakshman and Lakshmana, Ashwa Kaka, Gauri Kaki, their son Aakash, Pitamahi Radha and Gandhari and Pitamah Adhirath and Dhritirashtr are My family.  I won't even battle my eyes for others.

Nobody POV:

    Her thoughts were intrupted by Gandharraj.  "Putri, why are you speaking like that to your mother?  It is adharm" questioned Gandharraj slyly.  "Gandharraj, I didn't know the person who uses his Bhanje for his revenge and who instigated him to order to strip a women's cloth can speak about Adharm.  I speak the way I wish to.  Unless and until You are MY FAMILY, you don't have to question the way I am." countered Vrushaliputri.  Shakuni understood her tone which is suppressed with anger and quitened down about it.

     Pandavas and Draupadi were shocked the way she silenced Shakuni.  She didn't mince her words.  Krishna was smiling at the way she spoke.  "Putri, we are discussing something important. So, go to your mother." said Shakuni.  "Is everyone discussing or are you instigating your words to others?" questioned Karn nandhini.  "Don't accuse me without proof.   You are not allowed in the court" exclaimed Shakuni.  Before Saagnika speak, Suyodhan intrepts, "Mamashree enough.  Everyone knows what my daughter said is the truth.  She has every right to enter the court as she is the royal of Anga and my daughter.  I would like to give everything which I had taken from Panduputro and even give them the throne of Hastinapur.  Also, I would like to ask forgiveness from Bhabhishree Draupadi.  If she wants to give me punishment, then I would like to do that also." Exclaimed Duryodhan and touches the feet of Draupadi.

      Everyone were shocked to see the Arrogant and Egoistic Prince of Hastinapur to touch the feet of the women he hated with every core of his life.  Persons who know the true nature of Gandharinandhan were happy that he was willing to walk in the path of righteousness.

     Trikaldharshi was seeing everything with a happy smile.  He thought "The bloodshed between the cousins is going to ended."  Most shocked people Pandavas and Draupadi.  They didn't expect Duryodhan to ask forgiveness and give them what is theirs.

     Shakuni enraged with his behaviour shouted "Duryodhan, what are you doing?  You can't give them what is your rights."  Before he could continue, Duryodhan intrepted "I know what I am doing Gandhar raj.  It was neever my rights in first place.  I have got to know about your real intention.  You manipulated me and used me for your revenge.  It is not going to happen now onwards.  I, Gandharinandhan Suyodhan would wish to give the Hastinapur, Indraprastha and whatever which has been taken away from Pandavas in the Dyut Sabha."

     Standing beside the Unknown Suryaputra, Saagnika was happy with the decision of her Kakashree.  Her eyes met with the father of the universe.  They both shared a knowing smile.


Before 3 years...


    Saagnika had come to meet Dwarakadish Krishna.  She went to the Palace to meet him.  To her surprise, Dwarka Royals were waiting outside.  She thought that they were waiting for some important person who is visiting Dwarka.  Again, to her surprise, they started showering flower on her when she came near.

    She climbed down from her horse and went to Vasudev, Devaki and Rohini.  She got their blessings.  "Pranam, Whom are you guys standing here for?" asked Saaginka.  "We were waiting for you putri and before you ask how we know, Khana only told about it." said Rohini.  Saagnika turned towards Krishna to see him smiling towards her.  She just smiled in return.

    She went to Balram and Revati and greeted them. "Ayushman Bhava putri, How is everyone at Anga and Hastinapur?" questioned Balram.  "Everyone are happy and fine Dwarakadish." said Saagnika.  "Putri, Khana is Dwarkadish and Arya is Mahamahim.  You have mistook it." said Revathi.  "I said it correctly only Mamishree.  Mamashree Balram only does the work of Dwarakadish here and Mamashree Khana just dumps his work on Mamashree Balram.  So, the real Dwarakadish is Mamashree Balram." exclaimed Saagnika with a mischevious smile.  Everyone were laughing for the statement which was said and Krishna was pouting.  Balram said "Atleast one person got to know about my problems."  Krishna gasped and continued "How can you say that Dau?  I was also doing my work."   Before they both can start bickering, Maharaj Vasudev said "Enough, don't start your banter here itself."

     When she came to Subhadra, she just greeted her with a stoic face.  Subhadra smiled sadly as she was one of the people who hurted her.  She just blessed her with a sad and guilty smile.

     She then went to Ashtabaryas and greeted them.  Rani Jambavati always had a special place in her heart.  She admired the way she looks.  When she went to take blessing from Jambavanputri, she hugged Saagnika tightly.  "I missed you so much MY Jamun.  You had became more beautiful than last time I saw you.  If I would have born as a man, I will surely kidnap and marry you.  How come you never age, Gorgeous?"  Exclaimed Vasundhara in a flirtatious tone.  "Young lady, don't you dare steal my wife from me.  She is only mine."  said Krishna in a mock anger tone and side hugged Jambavathi.  Jambavanputri blushed furiously on hearing the statements of her husband and her daughter.  Everyone laughed seeing this scene.  

    Then, she went to Jagatpita who was witnessing everything with a smile.  He hugged her and said "Go and take rest first.  We will talk about everything later, Pari"  Vasundhara smiles hearing her nickname after many years from her month.

     Saagnika is escorted to her chamber.  Others went away to their respective works.  She gets refreshed and sleeps.  After some hours, she has been invited for dinner.  She goes to eat dinner.  In dining hall, everyone eats and jokes around happily.

     After dinner, she searches Krishna and finds him in the garden.  She sees one of the mesmerizing scenes in the world.  Every animal sat around him in peace.  Peacock, Rabbit and birds everything sat around him.  He was petting a rabbit in his hands.  "For how long are you going to stand there.   Come and sit here" exclaimed Krishna which brought her back to world.  She moves and sits near him.

   She directly comes to the point for her visit.   

"Can Mahabharata be avoided?" 

"How would I know about it?" countered Hari with his signature mischevious smile

"How would Jagatpita not know about it?" encountered Vasundhara

"Some rumours may not be true"

"But this rumour which comes under true"

"It is my belief that your the Jagatpita.  Let's not change the topic from the main issue.  Can it be avoided if Kaka Suyo asks forgiveness and return their rights?" questioned Saagnika seriously.

Krishna answered with serious face "The battle between the cousins can be avoided if what you said happens."  Saagnika gets elated when she hears about it. She continued "Ok, Kakashree will definitely do what I had said to you.  Please stop this war.  I don't like to lose my family."  Krishna smiled and said "Everything will happen according to the destiny."

Flashback ends

To be continued....

I made some small changes.. nothing big changes happened

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