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     Everyone had different emotions when Duryodhan uttered these words.  Most shocked were Pandavas.  They come out of their stupor when Dhritirashtr asked his son "I am happy for your decision Putra.  The final decision has to be taken by Pandavo and Draupadi.   Say about your opinion Putros and Putri."

    "The decision is okay for us, Maharaja.  But the one who has been very much affected by that day is our wife.  So, she shall say our final decision.  We will abide by her wish." said Dharmaraj.  "Maharaj, It had been 07 years but still I can't forget that day.  I guess throughout my life I can't forget that.  But Duryodhan is feeling guilty of his actions.  He had realized his wrong doings.  So, I would like to give him a second chance and forgive him" said Panchali.

    Everyone in the sabha were shown how much Yagnaseni has a big heart to forgive such a heinous crime.  "Very well, putri.  You have a generous heart.  As Yagnaseni has forgiven, then there will be no war." declared Dhritirashtr.  "Maharaj, I would like to suggest something." said Vasudev Krishna. After getting an acknowledgement nod from Maharaj, he further continued "Even though my Sakhi has forgiven them, everyone involved in Dyut Sabha has not known her pain.  That day, the act which was committed was not a silly mistake but a greatest sin of this yuga.  So, I would like to suggest you to give them punishment to who were all involved in my Sakhi's Vastraharan."

    "The suggestion of Vasudev Krishna is justable.  Those who were involved will be given punishment.  Their punishment will be announced tomorrow.  Pandavas and Draupadi, kindly stay here.  After the verdict, you will be given your rights." announced Dhritirashtr.  Everyone in the sabha was pleased with the decision expect Shakuni.  He was seeing everything silently.  He seethed that his life long ambition has been ruined.

   The three musketeers were happy with the decision and saw Saagnika was also pleased with it.  (According to my story, Karna and Ashwatthama were not in Dyut Sabha)   Duryodhan knows he cannot move without a punishment as what he did was a crime.

    "I would like to say a thing about the decision, Maharaj.  Can I have your permission?"  asked Saagnika.  Everyone in the sabha were seeing her.  Maharaj gave her permission.  "As Dwarakadish said no one knows about the pain of Samragyi which she suffered that day rather than her.  So, I would like to suggest that the punishment should be given by Samragyi as she was the one who suffered the most that day." exclaimed Karnaatmaja.

    "What you have suggested is very good putri.  So be it, the Punishment verdict will be given by Samragyi Draupadi tomorrow.  The Sabha is dismissed."  declared Maharaja.  Everyone in the sabha had moved out except the three musketeers, Pandavas, Draupadi, Shakuni, Saagnika and Vasudev Krishna.

    "Mamashree, from today I cut all the ties with you." said Duryodhan.  "Why are you doing like this Bhanje?  I was helping you to the thing which you wanted.  I know because of this little vixen Saagnika only you are behaving like this.  I don't know what black magic had she-" Shakuni was not able to complete it as Duryodhan choked his throat and said "I had told you many times not to say any bad things about my daughter.  How dare you say like that about my daughter?"  "Leave him Kaka Suyo.  I don't care what he says.  Just make sure he doesn't escape Hastinapur till tomorrow Verdict as he is the main culprit." exclaimed Saagnika seriously.  Duryodhan left Shakuni throat and said "You are correct Zaara.  Soldiers, arrest and keep Gandharraj in his chamber itself.  Don't unlock him until tomorrow morning sabha."  Soldiers came hurriedly and arrested Gandhar raj.  Shakuni was trying to get off from their grip but failed miserably.  He was taken out and kept in his own chamber.

    Pandavas were seeing everying stunned.  They were angry on Shakuni for speaking ill about their daughter but Duryodhan beat them to it.  To see Duryodhan choking his Mamashree for Saagnika made them clear that she is one of the most important and cherised person in his life.  Draupadi was just seeing her daughter without blinking her eyes.  She felt sad that she missed most of her daughter's important things in her life.  

     "Pranam Angraj, Panchalnaresh.  How is everyone at home?" enquired Vasudev Krishna.  The said people just smiled.  "Everyone in Anga and Uttar Panchal are fine and healthy Vasudev" responded Karna and Ashwatthama respectively.  "How is my Pari  doing?  It has been three years since I saw you. You didn't came to see me. I didn't know that you don't love me." exclaimed Krishna dramaticaly.

    Hearing this Pandavas and Draupadi turned towards Krishna.  They thought why didn't he said about her in these years when he knows where is she.  Arjun and Draupadi were looking at their Sakha feeling broken that why didn't he atleast said to them.  Krishna just turned around and looked them which says "I will explain later".  They understood and kept silent. 

   Saagnika laughed and said "Mamashree, I am fine.  How is everyone in Dwarka?  I hope you are not giving your work loads to Balram Mamashree.  Who said I don't love you?  You are my Favourite Mamashree." exclaimed Saagnika with a big smile in her face.  

    "How are you putri? It has been many years since I saw you.  Where were you these years?" questioned Arjun.  "I am fine Senathipathi.  Why should I tell you where I was?  Who are you to me?" questioned Saagnika in her monotonous voice with a straight face.  Arjun was rooted in his place when his daughter asked him who he was to her, so was Draupadi.

    Before anything happens, there comes a voice from the entrance of Sabha "When did you return here Dhara?"

To be continued.....

I have just made some correction in this chapter... more than that there is nothing.

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