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     Vrushali was segregating Vasundhara's cloths as Vasundhara has asked her to decide tomorrow's outfit.  While she was selecting the saree, a maid came and said "Pranipat AngaraniSamragyi Draupadi is asking for permission to enter inside the chamber to meet you."  Vrushali was confused why was Panchali is here to meet her.  She said "Allow Samragyi to enter the chamber."  The maid bowed and moved out.  After sometime, Draupadi entered the chamber.

     Vrushali said "Pranipat Samragyi, have a seat".  Draupadi smiled and sat in the couch.  "Pranipat Angarani.  I hope I am not disturbing you." Said Draupadi as she noticed that Vrushali was choosing the cloths.  Vrushali said casually "Definitely not.  I was just choosing dress for my Gudiya."  Hearing this Agnisutaa's smile deflated.  She thought that it would have been her who should be choosing her daughter's dress.  Karnpriye came and sat in front of Draupadi with a small smile.  Pandavrajeshwari said "I will come directly to the issue.  I know what I did with my Putri was mistake.  I want to repent.  I know she doesn't even like to speak with us. Kindly ask her forgive me and my husbands.  I want this help from you.  I know that she will heed to your words.  Please help a mother, I will forever be indebted to you."  Hearing Panchali speaking, Karnpatni face held a blank look which previously had a smiling look.

     "I don't wish to help you" said Vrushali bluntly.  Drupadkanya was shocked hearing her.  She asked getting angered "Why can't you help?  Why are you being selfish?  Why are you separating a mother from her daughter?"  Vrushali encountered immediately with a hard tone "Was I the one who abandoned her?  Was I the one who didn't trust her own Putri?  Why are you blaming me for things which you did?  What do you know about My Gudiya, huh?  Do you know what she likes to eat, how she will react to situations, how is temper and what is she special at?  You don't know nothing about her.  You might had gave her birth. But just because you gave birth that doesn't mean you are her Mata. I am her Mata and she is my Gudiya."

     Draupadi doesn't know what to say.  She knows what she did was something she can't justify but the mother in her can't accept that her daughter is not with her.  Draupadi said "You can't do this to me.  Why are you being arrogant and selfish?"  Vrushali chuckled and said "If stating the fact means being arrogant then I am arrogant.  If keeping my Putri with me is considered as selfish then I am definitely selfish.  I am definitely arrogant to know that I matter to my Putri so much after her Papa Karna."

    Krishnaa was not able to bear that someone was claiming her daughter as theirs.  She can't even do anything about it.  She was getting anger at her helplessness.  Panchali said arrogantly with tears in her eyes "She might be with you or even might love you now.  But at the end of the day, she is my daughter.  She will come to me afterwards leaving you alone.  Blood is always thicker than water."

    Hearing this Vrushali hesitated a little bit.  She knows that Draupadi is Saagnika's blood mother.  She felt insecure and feared that Vasundhara might leave her for Draupadi.  Suddenly, Vasundhara's face flashed in in front her eyes smiling at her and calling her 'MAA'.  Vrushali looked straight at the eyes of Panchali with a confident smirk and said "We drink water to quench our thirst not blood."  Pandavpatni was taken aback by the confidence in the eyes of Vrushali.  Vrushali continued "I know that she might be your blood.  The basic foundation of a relationship is Trust.  She trusts me and vice versa.  She doesn't trust you.  I don't whether she will forgive or accept you or not but know this clearly, Samragyi, My Gudiya will never leave me."

    The chamber was filled with complete silence.  Draupadi was processing the words of Vrushali.  The more she thought about it, the tears started to flow from her eyes freely.  She doesn't even knows about her own daughter compared to Vrushali.  Seeing this Vrushali felt bad.  Draupadi's attention was caught by Vrushali's words.  Vrushali sighed and explained calmly with straight face "I didn't intend to hurt to you with my words.  The reason for why I didn't want to help you is because I know if I say her to forgive you, she will definitely heed to my words.  I definitely don't want that because she will do that for my words but not for her sake.  She will get hurt that I didn't think about her feelings.  I definitely don't want My Gudiya to get hurt because of me.  My intention was never to separate you and Vasundhara, Samragyi.  I want everything to end smoothly.  I just suggest you to talk this issue with her by yourself.  She is also a human who has feelings.  You had already broke her in the past by not consider her feelings.  Now also don't hurt her feelings by taking help from me.  That will only make the situation worse."

    Panchali bowed her head in shame for her behavior towards Saagnika in past and with Vrushali now.  She said apologetically "Thank you for your suggestion.  I am sorry behaving impulsively and rashly with you.  Kindly forgive me for the rude words which I spoke to you.  I will speak with her directly."  Vrushali's face finally broke into a tiny smile and said "It's okay, I didn't mind it that much.  I know that it was the mother inside you who was speaking."  Draupadi smiled and nodded her head.

    Their conversation was halted by a voice which held urgency in it coming from the entrance of the chamber.  "Maa"

To be Continued...

Hello everyone,

I am updating this chapter as some of them asked me to update this chapter at least immediately.  I hope you liked the conversation between Draupadi and Vrushali.  Kindly support me by voting the chapters.  I would like to know your opinion about the story and chapter through comments.  Important: No more update for 1 week.

Yours lovingly, 

Author Mayavathi.

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