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Scarlett Johansson had become a mother 13 years ago. She was used to getting up at night. As an actress, she was used to never getting sleep at all. Being a mother was the best thing that had ever happened to her, and she would get up as many times as possible. Her sister would tell her that letting kids cry during the night was the right way to go. But Scarlett never minded getting up and cuddling for a few minutes with her children, even if she lost her sleep to it.

Cosmo had woken up at 2am, and Scarlett had stayed for about an hour with him, trying to get him to sleep. Tuesdays Colin went early to work, so she made him stay and sleep. Cosmo, being two, no longer woke up at night as usual. But he was still a toddler.

Scarlett was just about to hop back into bed after putting Cosmo back down on his crib when the phone rang. She felt her husband stir next to her, mumbling various sentences before finally sitting up and looking at the alarm clock next to him, "Who's calling at this hour?"

"Who could be calling at this hour?" Scarlett mumbled as well as she reached for the phone, her voice thick with grogginess. They were supposed to be up in 3 more hours.

The caller ID displayed "Ryan Reynolds," and her heart raced with a mixture of anticipation and dread. She nudged Colin to show her the caller ID, her body almost trembling as she answered the call.

"Hello?" Scarlett's voice was filled with sleepiness and confusion.

Ryan cleared his throat, his voice cracking slightly. "Scarlett, it's Ryan."

There was a moment of silence on the other end, followed by a sharp intake of breath as Scarlett's mind began to register the late hour and the seriousness in Ryan's voice. "Ryan, what's going on? Why are you calling at this hour? Are you ok?" They didn't talk at all, and less so at 3AM, so she figured he must be in danger or something.

Scarlett felt a lump in her throat forming up as Ryan searched for the right words. "Scarlett, I'm so sorry to call you like this. It's just... I've received some news, and it can't wait until morning. I Should've called even earlier actually, I'm sorry."

"Ryan? What's wrong? Why are you calling at this hour?" she asked, concern seeping into her voice.

Ryan let out a heavy sigh. "I'm sorry for calling so late, Scarlett, but I've been going through hell for the past few hours. My lawyer contacted me late last night."

Colin sat up in bed, putting an arm around Scarlett as he listened to the conversation.

"What is it, Ryan?" Scarlett's voice was almost nonexistent.

Ryan took a deep breath, the weight of the revelation bearing down on him. "Scarlett, they've found a match. They found a girl and it's Violet."

Scarlett's breath caught in her throat, and she clutched the phone tighter, unable to believe what she had just heard. Colin's eyes widened in shock as he watched his wife's reaction. Tears welled up in Scarlett's eyes, and she clung to Colin as the magnitude of the moment sank in.

"Are you sure? This is not a joke?" Scarlett's voice finally broke. "They found my baby?"

Ryan let out a choked sob on the other end of the line. "Yes, Scarlett. They found our daughter." Scarlett could hear Blake mumbling at him from the other line, supporting him the same way Colin was doing right now.

Scarlett cleared her throat amidst the tears. "When can we see her?" She looked into Colin's eyes, desperate for an answer from the man on the phone.

"They need to talk to her social worker first, so she can tell her the news as best as possible." Ryan sighed. "As much as we want to see her, they're making sure she's ready first."

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