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After getting home from Scarlett's in the afternoon, Violet spent the rest of the day sleeping, her alarm blaring at 6 AM the next day. Violet took a moment to soak in the events of the previous day before getting ready for the day ahead.

After a quick shower and getting dressed in her uniform, Violet made her way to the kitchen where she stumbled into May who was quietly drinking tea as she sat on the kitchen island. Violet couldn't help but smile. May noticed her and in her usual manner, just tilted her head in acknowledgement. It was a quiet acknowledgment, a language they had developed over time. Violet went towards the pantry to get a quick granola bar. She just wasn't that hungry.

May was taking her to school today, as she had told the teen the night before. As she rushed upstairs to gather her stuff, she almost mentally prepared herself incase decided to bombard her with questions. The thought quickly left her head though, as she knew May wouldn't pry. And it wasn't as if Violet didn't want to tell her, but as much as people didn't get their relationship, it had never been the sharing type.

The car ride to school was accompanied by Olivia Rodrigo's music, a soothing backdrop to the quiet morning. May focused on the road, and Violet stared out of the window, lost in her thoughts.

As they pulled into the school parking lot, Violet's heart quickened. The familiar sight of the school building loomed ahead, and she took a deep breath to steady herself. It was time to face her friends, her routine, and the questions that might come. The questions that would definitely come.

Violet stepped out of the car and slung her backpack over her shoulder. The morning chatter of students filled the air as she walked towards the entrance. The school seemed both unchanged and different, a reflection of her own mixed emotions. A few weeks ago she was just a really lucky foster kid that attended this school, now, she was someone's daughter. And she really didn't know if that meant she couldn't stay.

Alina, Lani, and Sora were already waiting for her by their lockers. Their faces lit up as soon as they saw Violet approaching.

"Violet!" Alina called out, rushing over to hug her. "We've been dying to hear how everything went yesterday. Are you okay?"

Violet returned the hug, feeling the warmth of her friend's embrace. "Yeah, I'm okay. It was... a lot, you know?"

Lani nodded understandingly. "We can't even imagine." She gushed.

Sora chimed in, her eyes filled with curiosity. "So, spill the details. How's Scarlett? Did you get along with everyone? Or are they like snobby kids?"

Violet laughed, appreciating her friends' genuine interest. "It was good." Her friends almost exploded as she left her answer as monotone as possible.

"Just good?" Alina whined.

Violet smiled shyly, and after a few seconds of pleading glances she broke. "Ok, Scarlett is amazing! I was super awkward and shy at the beginning but she was really nice about it! But overall it was like stepping into a whole new world. I met my younger sister, Rose, and she's adorable. And I also have a brother, Cosmo. He's a bundle of energy and just the cutest little guy." The girls all awwed at that.

The bell signaling the start of classes interrupted their conversation. As they walked towards their classrooms, Sora asked, "So, are you going to live with them now?"

Violet hesitated for a moment before answering. "Not yet. There are some legal things they need to sort out. But Scarlett said I can move in whenever I'm ready. It's just... a lot to process."

Alina squeezed her shoulder in a supportive gesture. "Take your time, and when you're ready, we'll help you move in and make your new room look amazing!"

Violet smiled gratefully at her friends. "Thanks, guys. I really appreciate it. And, uh, speaking of helping, Scarlett suggested we go shopping to decorate my room. You all are invited!"

Sora looked as she was about to pass out. "Oh wow, it's going to take some time to get used to the fact that you're talking about the Scarlett Johansson."

Violet couldn't help but laugh at that, since it really seemed insane. "I know." She was about to add to it but they arrived at their classroom.

As she sat down, Violet's phone buzzed with a new message. It was from Marissa, informing her that Ryan, her biological father, wanted to take her out for lunch during the week.

Violet's eyes widened, surprised by the unexpected invitation. She showed the message to her friends, excitement bubbling within her.

"Wow, Violet! Lunch with your dad? That's awesome!" Alina exclaimed. Violet almost jumped at the use of the paternal term, because she really wasn't used to this.

Lani added with a playful grin, "Looks like you're getting the full family experience. First Scarlett's crew, now lunch with Ryan. Big week!"

Sora teased, "Don't forget to order something fancy. You're dining with a celebrity!"

Violet nodded as she smiled at her friends, feeling a mix of nerves and anticipation. "Yeah, I guess it's a big week."


The morning classes passed in a blur, Violet's mind occasionally drifting to the upcoming lunch with her biological father. As the lunchtime bell rang, she gathered her things and headed to the cafeteria with her friends.

The bustling lunchroom was filled with students chatting and laughing. Alina, Lani, and Sora found an empty table, and Violet joined them. The excitement about lunch with her father lingered in the air, adding a layer of anticipation to the usual lunchtime chatter.

As they continued chatting, Violet's phone buzzed with a new message. She glanced at the screen, and a smile tugged at her lips as she read Scarlett's name. Opening the message, she found a simple yet heartfelt text.

"Good morning, sweetheart! Just wanted to wish you a fantastic day at school. If you need anything, don't hesitate to reach out. Can't wait to hear all about it later. Love you."

It was a simple message, but she couldn't find the words to describe what she felt at the moment. It was a new experience to have someone, especially an adult, actively looking out for her well-being in such a caring way. Due to her friends, she was constantly surrounded with caring moms who took her in as one of their own, and with dance some of her teachers were the nicest people alive. But Scarlett was different, Scarlett was hers. No one but her children experienced this, and Violet couldn't help but love how it made her feel.

She showed the message to her friends, and they all smiled.

"Wow, she really cares about you," Alina remarked.

Violet nodded, a soft smile on her face. "Yeah, it's... different. But in a good way. I never had someone check in on me like this."

Lani nudged her playfully. "You're officially in the care of a superhero mom. How cool is that?"

Sora added with a teasing grin, "And a lunch date with your superhero dad. You're living the celebrity life, Vivi!"



Life got a little bit hectic and I lost almost all inspiration to write. It's a very short chapter but I needed to write something even if it turned out to be a filler. 

Lunch with Ryan will not be written as a whole chapter because again, he's not the focus (sorry to him), but it will start an important conversation with Scarlett! 

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