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Two weeks had passed since Violet moved in with Scarlett. In that time, she hadn't seen Ryan, as he was away shooting a movie in Europe. However, they kept in touch through video calls and texts, sharing updates about their lives and exchanging words of encouragement and support.

Violet had thrown herself into her dance practice for the upcoming winter recital. Her dance teacher had been especially strict and demanding, pushing Violet to her limits in pursuit of perfection. Despite the pressure, Violet was determined to give her best performance and make everyone proud.

During her downtime, Violet found solace in spending time with Rose. They would often retreat to Violet's room, where they would sit together at her desk, working on their homework side by side. Rose insisted on sitting on the floor, claiming it was more comfortable for her, much to Violet's amusement. They would chat and laugh as they tackled their assignments, Violet even helping Rose in some stuff, their bond growing stronger with each passing day.

Their conversations ranged from schoolwork to dreams and aspirations, and Violet cherished every moment they spent together. Rose's enthusiasm and innocence brought a sense of joy and lightness to Violet's life, reminding her of the simple pleasures of childhood.

As the day of the winter recital drew closer, Violet felt a mix of nerves and excitement building within her. She had been practicing tirelessly, determined to deliver a flawless performance on stage.

Tonight, as Violet arrived home from dance practice, the exhaustion weighed heavy on her shoulders, each step feeling like a burden. The day had been particularly rough, with her dance teacher piling on more routines and scolding her relentlessly for any misstep. She felt drained, both physically and emotionally, and all she wanted was to collapse into bed and forget about the world for a while.

Upon entering, Violet's first instinct was to retreat to her room and collapse onto her bed, hoping to find solace in the comforting embrace of sleep. She barely registered Scarlett's welcoming smile and Colin's warm greeting as she brushed past them, muttering a vague excuse about already having eaten something on the way home.

"I'm just going to bed," she muttered curtly as she passed them in the living room, not bothering to make eye contact. All she wanted was to escape to the sanctuary of her room and shut out the world.

Upon entering her room, however, Violet's exhaustion quickly turned to rage as she found Rose standing in front of her wall mirror, wearing one of Violet's precious dance costumes for the upcoming winter recital. The same one her dance teacher had screamed at them to not mess up in any way.

As Violet took in the sight, her tiredness evaporated, replaced by a burning fury that seemed to consume her from within. Rose, oblivious to the storm brewing inside Violet, twirled happily in front of the mirror, the delicate fabric of the costume billowing around her.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Violet's voice cut through the air like a knife, sharp and filled with venom. Her hands clenched into fists at her sides, her nails digging into her palms as she fought to contain the rage bubbling inside her.

Rose froze mid-twirl, her eyes widening in fear as she turned to face Violet, the innocence in her expression quickly giving way to confusion and fear. "I-I just wanted to see how it looked..." she stammered, her voice trembling with uncertainty. "I didn't mean to-"

"Didn't mean to what, huh? Almost mess up my costume?!" Violet's voice rose to a shrill pitch, her anger escalating with each passing second. "Do you even realize how important this is? Do you even care?!"

Rose's eyes filled with tears, her bottom lip quivering as she tried to stammer out an apology. "I-I'm sorry, Violet, I didn't mean-"

"Sorry isn't good enough!" Violet interrupted, her voice booming through the room. "You're always getting in the way! You're so annoying, Rose, can't you see that?!"

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