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Violet's face was way too puffy as she stared at herself in the small bathroom attached to the dining room. She felt a mixture of relief and embarrassment for breaking down so suddenly. She had excused herself to the bathroom to collect her thoughts and compose herself. Finally alone, she took a few deep breaths, splashed some water on her face, and gave herself a reassuring smile.

They seemed to care. Maybe it was just a random emotional outburst, but in the moment as soon as they saw her, they had looked at her in a way no one had ever before. Some sort of longing and unconditional love she was pretty sure she would never understand.

After a few minutes, Violet returned to the private dining room, her face composed and her emotions more in check. She took a deep breath and re-entered the room, determined to enjoy this, and hoping it wouldn't get awkward or bad.

She walked over to her seat, feeling Scarlett and Ryan's stare on her. She briefly hestabated between the two chairs that were left empty, and Scarlett, noticing everything, quickly pulled the one closest to her back for Violet to sit on. Violet gave her a small grateful smile.

She finally sat down, and Colin, Scarlett's husband, and Blake, Ryan's wife, who had been waiting patiently, introduced themselves formally, just to try to break the silence.

"Hello, Violet," Colin said with a warm smile. "I'm Colin, Scarlett's husband. It;s a pleasure to finally meet you." Violet nodded towards him, a little nervous.

"Hi." She whispered shyly.

"And I'm Blake, Ryan's wife." Violet turned her face to meet her and offered a sincere smile. "Hi, and I kind of know." she added with a hint of embarrassment, lowering her face a little bit. "You know you're on Gossip Girl, right?" She looked up at the woman. She could feel Scarlett smiling at her laugh, but decided she didn't want to focus on that, or more tears would pop up.

Blake laughed. "I didn't know if your generation knew about that show!" She jokingly added. "I dont think it's very appropriate."

Violet softly smiled at the memory of how she knew the show. "My friend's older sister watched it, so we watched from the stairs." Then she added, still a little embarrassed. "Plus, these days every show is on the internet."

The tension in the room eased as soft laughter broke out. A waiter came quietly, and the adults ordered some appetizers, asking Violet if she had any interest in anything. Violet just decided to stick with what they were eating.

"Oh!" She turned softly to Scarlett. "Can you let them know I'm allergic to...'

Scarlett cut her off. "We know, honey. The restaurant was informed when we made the reservation. Don't worry." She again fixed a strand of Violet's hair, a soft smile on her face.

Violet's eyes widened. She had been 2 when they got separated, so of course they knew her allergies. She quickly nodded, a little out of it. Sacrlett noticed and didn;t want things to get awkward so soon, so she turned to the others on the table and gestured for them to look at Violet.

Scarlett smiled warmly. "Violet, so how have you been lately" '

"Well," she started, a small smile forming, thankful for an easy question, "Dance season prep just started, and since now I'm in the teen category, my teacher is being a little harsh, but so far I can take it. " She shrugged.

"Oh yes, we heard you dance competitively." Ryan told her. "How long have you been doing it?" He turned to the waiters, and nodded gratefully when they placed the many appetizers they ordered on the table. The other followed before they all turned to Violet again.

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