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The girls chatted animatedly, their voices filling the air with laughter. Alina couldn't help but sneak glances at Violet, her heart swelling with pride for her friend. Violet had been through so much, and seeing how her life had changed in so little time filled Alina with warmth.

Alina Guseva has been a Marvel fan for as long as she has lived. Her brother had spread his superhero fever to her pretty quickly, and she had just never outgrew it like he had.

Marvel was MARVEL. It was just iconic. One of the biggest franchises in the world. She had watched all the movies on the MCU, several times at that.

So, she was definitely freaking out right now.

A few weeks ago her friend had dropped one of the biggest bombs on her friend groups. Her mother was no one other than thee Black Widow. Alina wished she could've said she wasn't surprised, but as much as she knew Violet was one of the prettiest girls she had ever seen, she never imagined that she could be Scarlett Johansson's kid. Weeks ago even the thought of that would've been hilarious.

She had of course been very excited for her friend, and there to support her no matter what. But her brain would never get over the fact that she was best friends with her hero's kid.

And that she was about to meet her, in about five minutes.

Just as their conversation reached a crescendo of excitement, Violet's phone buzzed with a text message. Alina leaned in eagerly, her curiosity piqued. She caught a glimpse of the message, a smile spreading across her face as she read Scarlett's name.

"Guys, she's here!" Violet exclaimed, and Alina tried to take a deep breath. She exchanged excited glances with Lani and Sora, unable to contain her enthusiasm. She imagined the shopping trip ahead. The thought filled her with a sense of disbelief—she, Alina, spending time with Scarlett Johansson. It was almost too good to be true.

As Scarlett's car pulled up in front of them, Alina was pretty sure she was about to die.

As they climbed into the car, Alina couldn't help but notice the way Scarlett's eyes lit up when she saw Violet, even as she said hello to her and her friends. She could tell Violet was nervous, but she also saw her finally let go of some tension.

As they drove towards the mall, Alina stole glances at Scarlett whenever she thought no one was looking. She watched as Scarlett listened attentively to Violet, her eyes sparkling with interest as she asked about her day at school.

As they pulled into the parking lot of the mall, Alina couldn't help but smile. Today was going to be a day to remember


Scarlett Johansson had probably made so many people mad today, but it was instantly worth it as soon as she saw her oldest daughter. Today she was seeing her daughter in a more relaxed light, as it seemed that with her friends being here she was more calm.

"So you have a recital coming up?" Scarlett asked the teenagers. She had asked about dance, as she honestly had no idea of how to be a dance mom, so the more she knew the better.

"In like a month!" The shortest girl in the bunch replied, Sora. "Honestly today is like one of the 4 free days we have until then." When Scarlett nodded for her to elaborate she added, "Our teacher is kind of crazy, and instead of giving us months to prepare, she challenges us with only a few weeks."

"But it's fun." Kalani shrugged.

"It's fun when we pretend we don't have a hundred dances to learn, on top of practicing the ones we already know!" Laughed Violet besides her as she looked back to her friends in the back seat.

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