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Jeongyeon POV

Finally it's Fridaaaay!!!

I was walking to the cafeteria when I hear commotion inside the girls bathroom.

" Yah! You slut! Why are you friends with Bambam and Jackson? "

"Are you flirting with them at the same time ?"

"Oww did you three slept together?"

"Yah! Answer me you b*tch!"

I stopped walking when I heard Bambam and Jackson's name. They're my seniors in basketball team. I peak inside and saw a girl on the floor surrounded with 3 girls. 1 girl holding her hair while the other 2 lightly slapping her head.

*Stay away from trouble Yoo Jeongyeon
I clearly hear Byul' s voice inside my head.

Every morning, she will always warn me before we part ways and went to our own classes.

My thoughts snapped out when I saw blood on the girl's busted lips. She has a white and soft glass skin with light make up only. Blood and bruise were clearly visible on her face.

Damn it! Just this one unnie.

I enter the bathroom causing them to all look at me. I went straight to the lavatory and wash my hands. I took my handkerchief and rinse it with water. When I look at them, they're all still looking at me with a question look on their face.

I slowly walk and kneel down beside the girl and give her the handkerchief. One girl hold my arm stopping me. I look at her. She cannot hold my gaze and step back a little. I retrieve my hand.

I held the girl's chin and wipe the blood on her face instead of giving her the handkerchief. I can see how scared she is. She's trembling and trying to control her sob.

"Are you ok? Let's go to the clinic" I said. She just look at me and bounces her eyes from me, then to the girls, then back to me.

" Who are you?!" One of the bullies screams then slap my head.

"You're going to be fine. Here take this handkerchief and let me handle this ok?" I tried to calm myself as I help this poor girl to stand.

"Mind your own business or else you'll regret it" the girl in the middle says. I can sense iritation in her voice while the other 2 agreed to her.

I face them with a smirk on my face and walk few steps towards them causing them to step back.

" Hurt her again and you'll regret it " I said as calm as possible but with gritted teeth.

Then I reach the hand of the girl and guide her out of the bathroom. I was holding her shoulder until we enter the clinic. The nurse assisted her and ask her what happen.

Then I receive a message from Byul asking where was I and they're waiting in the cafeteria. I went out of the clinic and rush to the cafeteria.

There, I found the 3 seating not far from the exit door, with 3 unfamiliar faces.

"Sorry something came up" I said while I sit beside Wheein, then took a bite of her sausage. The pout is now visible on her face. I laugh and pinch her cheeks before facing the 5 in front of me.

"Jeong, this is Jisoo" byul said while pointing on the girl on her right side. "She's part of the photography club" she added.

"Hi nice to meet you I'm Jeongyeon"

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