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Wheein's POV


There she is. The person that I've been avoiding for the past months here in school. I knew this time would come but what caught me off guard is the person she's with.

I ended up staring at her, didn't know what to say, while I can see how shocked she is as well. Our last meeting flashed before my eyes, flood of tears threatens to come out as I feel my chest tighten.


Once again, offering a small smile is all I did as I walk past them and run towards my car. I drove out the parking lot as fast as I could.

When I realized I couldn't see the road clearly because of the tears falling nonstop from my eyes, I immediately stop on the side of the road while my hazard light was on. I gathered myself first, took a couple of deep breaths before I drove again.


"Are you mad because you still like her? Or are you mad because you just don't know how to react around her and being mad is the only thing you can think of to avoid her?"

I'm sitting in Jisoo unnie's front porch holding a bottle of beer right now. I sigh as I lean my back and stare in the sky.
I sigh once again when I cannot find the answer to her question and drank my beer nonstop until I emptied half of the bottle.

"And why are you avoiding Byul? Did you know why she was with her that night? Does Byul know who Hyejin was?"

Another question thrown by Jisoo unnie that I don't really know the answer. Yes, Byulie unnie knows who Hyejin is since I talked to them about her before but I think she didn't know which Hyejin I'm referring to since Hyejin is a common name.

So why am I avoiding Byul unnie? I don't know either.

"As much as I want you here in my house Whee, they're all worried about you, especially Byul. Go talk to her. Or atleast reply to their message. Lisa is being whinny and wants to go here when I told them that you're staying with me. You've been absent for 2 days now."

"I don't know what to say unnie" I said as I emptied the remaining beer in my bottle.

She stood up from her chair and walks beside me, patted my head and offer a big smile.

"I know you can do it Whee. Don't stress yourself into overhinking, talk to Byul or much better, ready yourself and talk to Hyejin. Don't sit here, drink all my beer, and overthink things. You cannot find answers into that." She scolds me while pointing at the bottle of beers lined up at the table.

I just pout at her and look at the table. It's Friday so no school for tomorrow but I've been locking myself here inside Jisoo unnie's house since yesterday. After spending my whole night at the park that night, I find myself in her front door, as I threw myself to her when she opened the door. She was caught off guard that we almost fell but she manage to find her balance and catch me while I cried in her arms.

"I don't think I can unnie" a pout was permanently plastered on my face since she's scolding me.

"You can do it Whee, I know how much you love Byul. Talk to her. But first, look at yourself in the mirror, you look awful Whee. Yuck you stinks" she said while covering her nose and pushing me away from her.


I was walking at the park near Jisoo unnie's house when a white dog with orange spots jump right at me. I lost my balance while she runs around me, tail is wagging.

"H-hey buddy.. Haha relax.. O-oh .. ca-calm down buddy" I manage to say between laughs.

He sat in front of me, tail still wagging and tongue was on the side of her mouth dangling.

"You looks familiar. Who are you? Do you know me? Where's your owner?" I asked her as if she can answer my question.

Suddenly, she run away from me, I'm about to follow her when my phone rang.

"Whee where are you?"

"Just took a morning walk unnie, I'll be heading back"

"Ok Whee take care"

That's Jisoo unnie. She's still asleep when I went out this morning. It's Saturday, that explains why there's few people outside.

I searched for the dog that jumps on me but I couldn't see her anymore. She looks familiar. I put back my airpods on and continue to jog back at unnie's house.

"Unnie I'm home!"

"Wheeee!!!!" A warm and tight hug welcomed me. I was surprise that I almost lost my balance while trying to figure out who's hugging me.

That's when I saw Byul unnie, Jeongyeon unnie, Jisoo unnie, Seulgi and Chaeyoung at the living room. Lisa is hugging me right now.

"Dude you're so heavy oh my god! Get off me!" I complained as she hugs me more.

"Unnie h-help!" I added, feeling suffocated on how tight Lisa's hug is.

But ofcourse, they just laugh at me and walks toward us, joining the hug.

"G-get . O-ff . Me!! You're all heavy. Eno-enough! I ge- ow! I get it. I'm s-sorry!" I manage to say while someone is ruffling my hair, someone is patting my butt and someone is pinching my cheeks.

"Alright that's enough." Jeongyeon unnie said which I'm thankful of.

I look at them one by one and offer a cheeky smile, showing my dimples. I look at Byulie unnie who's awkwardly standing there with a small smile on her face.

"Unnie" I said as I pout at her feeling shy on what happened.

"I'm sorry Whee. I didn't know that she's the AHN HYEJIN that you're talking about. I only know her as Hwasa since Taeyeon and Yubin unnie introduced her to me." Byulie unnie explains as we hug each other. I buried my face on her chest as I shake my head.

"You don't have to apologize. I should be the one apologizing. I'm sorry I made you all worried."

"Yes you owe us bigtime!" Seulgi said while Chaeyoung and Lisa agrees.

"I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you all" I said as I pull my face from unnie's chest and look at them.

Then I went to Jeongyeon unnie who's just looking at us. I hugged her as well and apologized.

"Don't do that again Whee! We're all so worried, especially with how you drove out of the parking lot that time. What if something bad happens to you! Come here you little sh*t!!" She scolds me while I run around, dodging her because she's about to smack my butt.

Then Lisa tackled me and throw me in the sofa. She and Jeonyeon unnie smack me while I was trying to defend my self. Chaeyoung and Seulgi joined and they tickle me causing me to squeel while trying to catch my breath.

When we all reached out our max energy, they all drop their body beside my and lay on the sofa.

"Are you done messing in my house? Let's go and eat." Jisoo unnie said while all of us trying to catch our breath.

We all stand up and help each other to stand, then go to the backyard where Byul unnie and Jisoo unnie are setting up the table.

We all help them and bring out the food from the the kitchen.

"You cook this unnie?" Chaeyoung asks Jisoo unnie while carrying the pot of hot braised kimchi jiggae.

"No, Byul cook that. We order the rest"

She really knows me. I love her braised kimchi jiggae so much, and I always ask her to cook it for me but she's always busy or lazy.

I walk towards her and hug her again.

"Thank you for the food unnie. I love you!"

"No worries Whee. I love you! We'll talk later about what happen ok?"

I just nod at her and offer a cheeky smile again. It's my charm especially when I'm in trouble so I was using it since them. She just pinches my cheeks and proceeds on grilling the meat.

I guess overthinking makes things worse. I'll deal with the other party later, what's important is, I have what I need, and what I need is these 6 crazy ass yet loving idiots around me.

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