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Seulgi POV

It's been 3 days since mom's death anniversary and I notice that Soojin is not in her usual self. She's vocal if she's sad or missing mom but lately, something's worrying her. I tried to talk to her but we both have things to do so we don't have a chance on deep talks lately.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when someone shouted my name.


I whipped my head towards my left and saw one of my classmate waving her hands, calling me. I jog my way towards her asking why.

"Ms. Park is calling us for additional announcement. Come on let's go!"

We both run back to our room, same with the others, and wait for Ms. Park.
Few minutes later, the door opened wide followed by Ms. Park entering the room, in a hurry.

"Hi, sorry to take up few minutes of your break I need to announce something." She started while we all listened to her.

"We'll be having 3 weeks holiday break right?"

"Yeeees" we all answered in unison.

"School will be extending it to four wee..." Ms. Park wasn't able to finish what she's about to say when the room erupted with cheers. Others were jumping on their seat, others are hugging each other and others are already planning where should they go. I felt a vibration in my pocket, sensing that it's my friends getting excited on our group chat, I pull out my phone and join them.

Few minutes later, someone tap my shoulder which made me slightly jump on my seat.

"What should we do? Do you have plans?"

"H-huh?" I am confuse. First, Is she talking to me? Second, why is our face close? Third, what is she talking about? Fourth, she's so gorgeous.

She them raise her right eyebrow, making me gulp.

"So-sorry. What?" I manage to ask her after clearing my throat.

"Yes you're clearly not listening. Ms. Park gave us activity to do and you're my partner."

"Wh-what? Wh-why?" I blink my eyes, trying to absorb what she just said while I look at the rest of our classmate trying to find their partners.

"Ugh! This is rediculous! Can I change my partner Ms. Park?"

"No Ms. Bae" Ms. Park replied, making me look at Joohyun beside me. She just rolled her eyes at me and sigh.

"Sorry. Uhm, yes that's true that I wasn't listening but uhm, can you please repeat what Ms. Park said?" I offered a wide smile making her roll her eyes again.

"Stop acting cute, you're not."

"Yess Boss" I answer, giving her a salute which earns another eye roll.

Bae Joohyun, the " Business Administration's IT Girl", the "ACE of SNU Archery team" , the "Miss Know It All in the Class" , approached me first. Well, technically for schoolwork but I'll take that. She's actually kind but with her status in school, I didn't made an effort to get close to her.

"Ok class. We're all good right? Topics will be sent later in our GC, take your break, I'll talk to Ms. Lee so you can extend your break. I'll see you next year guys! Enjoy your holiday!" Ms. Park said earning another celebration making Ms. Park shook her head but with a smile on her lips.

I was about to stand when someone pulled me back to my seat.

"We should plan first what to do. Should we finish it before christmas or after new year? Because I'm not available in between those dates. Or should we divide the work and do our own research?" one thing I know about her is her dedication. She always put 100% in all of her work. In activities, reports, recitations and quizzes, I can see that she's making an effort to give her best.

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