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Lisa POV

" Goodmorning guys my name is Bada Lee and I'm your last obstacle before joining dance club. I will evaluate each and everyone of you, I will give you 10 mins to prepare then we'll start. Ok? "

I was busy tying my shoes when a tall woman with bright skin wearing oversize cargo pants , black crop top tee with leather jacket on top , enters the room. She introduced herself as the official trainer and choreographer of dance club.

" Yes ma'am " we all say in unison.

She then clap her hand twice as a sign that we should start preparing. I was on my phone and repeatedly dial Wheein's number. She's late.

She mention that she want to join dance club as well so we agreed to sign and do auditions together. We practiced until late night yesterday at my house while Byul unnie and Jeongyeon unnie is enjoying my PS5.

" Damn it Whee! " I say the moment the call connects.

" I'm almost there" she said, I can hear her took a huge breath. " I'm here " she said, as the door in the room slowly open. I wave my hand for her to see me. The moment our eyes met, she gave me a huge cheeky smile and I can see that her shoulder relaxed.

" What took you so long Whee? You're sweating, Eeeww" I said while wiping off sweats in her forehead.

"Sorry, alarm didn't work" she said while scratching her nape.

I pinch her cheeks then went to locker room to change, leaving her with a pout on her face. Ugh, this kid!

" Ok next "

The kid beside me got startle causing me to laugh.

" Relax Whee hahaha "

" How can I ? The first 4 auditionees were good but didn't pass " wheein said while fidgeting the hem of her shirt

" I know. But I'm confident that we can do it! We worked hard for this " I said, trying to have confidence in my voice, when my brain and heart were about to explode because of nervousness.

" I love how you connect with the audience and I love to swag and confidence in your moves. Congratulation Ms. Kang, welcome to the club "

Everyone clap their hands including me. She's the first one who got in after 6 auditionees.

" I know you're all thinking why it is so hard to be part of the dance club. Well actually I'm looking for the deserving students because extra credits were really good if you're able to join us. We'll represent our school in every college competition and I think you all know that we're holding a record of 5 championship streak. I don't want to put a lot of pressure on the remaining auditionees, just a little tip. Be confident" Ms. Lee said, as we all answer yes Miss in unison.

" Ok next is Ms. Manoban and Ms. Jung "

Oh sh*t! Lets do this

" We can do it Whee!" I hug her tight as we took a deep breath and release it at the same time.

As we walk to the center, everyone cheer for us as they hear the beat of the song.

Smoke by dynamic duo and lee youngji

" Yess, I'm waiting for this song " Ms. Lee said

That's the last thing I hear before I drown myself in the music.

Everyone cheers their lungs out as we finish the song. Even Ms. Lee were standing and clapping with a huge smile on her face. It is a good sign .

I look at Wheein and saw that she's also looking at me. Our chest were visibly rising up and down as we tried to catch our breath. We bow at them and hug each other, not minding our sweats.

" That was an awesome performance. Give them another round of applause guys " Ms. Lee said, while everyone clap their hands.

"Thankyou Ms. Lee / Thank you" Whee and I say at the same time.

"That was a brave choice of song considering that we used that on our last win. Same with the choreography. Why did you choose it? " Ms. Lee said while looking at us. No smile on her lips this time.

"We really want to impress you Miss" I said while trying to hold her gaze

"Lisa and I come up with this idea because we all know how this song dominates the whole Seoul when you won last year" Wheein added.

"We watch a lot of covers online and we notice that some of them over exaggerate your moves, some of them add unnecessary steps which kinda ruin the vibe of the song" I butt in still trying to hold her gaze. I can see a curiosity on her eyes this time.

"So we stick to the original choreography and do it as smooth as we can. We watch your video a million times for us not to miss a single move. We really want to impress you." Wheein said with much pride on her voice this time.

The room was silent for a couple of seconds.

Ms. Lee walks towards us and extend her hand to us.

" Welcome to the team"

With this, everyone clap their hands again and cheer for us. Others say congratulations, others were throwing their cap, towels or anything as a celebration.

We took Ms. Lee's hand and shook it while saying thank you at the same time.

Wheein and I hug each other and jump at the same time while screaming our lungs out.


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