Game day

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Cold wind, bright lights, loud cheer.
It's Game day!

Yonsei University holds 3 consecutive wins against SNU for the past 3 years. That's why even though it's just a friendly match, supporters for both teams really made an effort to watch, cheer and prepare banners.

We're currently in our dug out, preparing for the match. I'm quite nervous considering that I'm not sure if I will be playing since it's my 1st year but I hope so. I receive a lot of messages from my friends saying they're already here and they'll cheer for me. I also received a text message from my mom reminding me to be careful and enjoy the game.

" Byul are you good? " I was changing when Yubin unnie went inside the locker room.

"No I'm not" I said while she just laugh at me.
" I'm just kidding haha, I'm fine unnie. It's me, your secret player, Moon Byul-yi"
I said as a wink at her earning another laugh from her.

" Well that's good to hear because coach said that you'll be playing "

" Really? "

" Yes. So stretch your muscles and tighten your shoes. " She said as she fix my headband and pat my head.

"Let's show them the charm of our secret player." She then wink at me then leave the locker room.

I was doing a stretch when someone entered the dug out.

" Hi! Oh Byul hello, I just want to say good luck. Where's the unnies ? "

" Oh hi there! Uhm they're changing. They'll be here in a minute " I answered.

"Oh no, I need to prepare as well. Just tell them I drop by and pass my hug to them" she replied as she hugged me tight saying good luck again.

I patted her back as we broke the hug.

It's Hwasa. The head of the cheerleading team and best friend of Yubin unnie and Taeyeon unnie. We've met a couple of times before, during practice and one time, we hung out when Taeyeon unnie forcibly grabbed me to join them.

I can say that her fierce, intimidating aura on the outside is opposite of what she truly is. She's such a baby especially to the unnies. She'll offer a wide smile when we pass each other in the hallway or exchange greetings when we have a chance.

This is the first time that we're so close to each other which made my heart stop a beat the moment our skin touched.

Her smell surrounds me even though we broke the hug. Her cold but soft skin brushes of my arms which give me goosebumps. Her curves are really evident with what she's wearing right now.

" Enjoying the view Byul? " I was snapped back from my thoughts when I heard Yubin unnie behind me. She then grin at me before hug Hwasa leaving me speechless.

" N-no! I was jus- I just notice the tag of her shirt is visible. H-here, let me, uhm let me fix that. Th-there you go! Uhm I need to head out first. Uhm goodluck later Hwasa. "

I heard them laugh before I completely close the door.

That was embarrassing.

I was composing myself when I saw Jisoo with her professional camera.

" Her bro! Are you covering today's game? " I ask her as I approach her

" Yes bro, I thought it would be a good headline for this week's school portfolio."

"Nice! Take a good shot of me ok!"

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