Trip down to Memory Lane

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Third party POV.

"My little butterfly wake up! You'll be late" a light tap on little butterfly's cheek woke her up.

She tried to fight back her heavy eyelids but just couldn't.

"Hmmm.. 5 minutes mom"

"Come on honey, get up and take a shower. Breakfast is ready. You'll be late at school"

"Hmmm. Yes mom" the kid answered and roll out of her bed. She drag herself to the bathroom and take of her clothes. She's doing this with her half closed eyes and a sleeping mind.

"Make sure to turn on the hot wa---"

"Waaahhh it's cooold. I-it's co-cold" little butterfly shreeked as soon as the water touched her body. She just pout at the water faucet and adjust the temperature.


"Enjoy the day honey"

"Make new friends ok"

"Eat your snacks and we'll pick you up later ok? We'll have icecream later"

A set of reminders from the parents, leaving their daughter to just nod and pout at them.

The girl is now in middle school but her parents still treat her as a kid. In her parent's defense, she grown to be a timid, shy and self concious girl. They just want their daughter to be lively like before.

Little did they know, the girl was bullied at school before. Someone will stole her snacks and made fun of her. Worst is, someone will tease her for not having her biological father.

The bullying died down over the years, and having her step father now made her and her mother's life easy.

Her personality has been affected by the bullying insident that she lost her usual giddy, approachable and full of laughter self. And that worries her parents, specially her mother.


Wheein's Pov ( middle school )

"Hi would you like to be my friend?"

It's currently our break and I'm sitting on my desk, silently eating my snack, when a face popped up in front of my face. I was startled on how close we are and lean back a little bit. I didn't answer her.

"Come on, be my friend. It's sad when you eat alone" she insisted.

"Hmm. Ok" that's all I say when she suddenly pulls me out of my chair and  drag me outside. I just find myself allowing her to drag me with a smile on both of our faces.

" What's your name? " She suddenly ask, we're here at the cafeteria.

"My name is Jung Whee In, how about you?"

"Nice to meet you Wheein-ah, my name is Ahn Hyejin"

"Nice to meet you too"


And that's where their friendship starts. The two were inseparable during that time. They'll wait for each other outside the gate of the school in the morning. They're seatmates, mostly for the benefit of the young morena girl. Wheein is such a smart girl and love studying while Hyejin is kinda opposite. She's smart but hate studying at the same time. Wheein would always scold her if she's sleeping during the discussion or if she didn't do her homework. They sometimes sleep beside each other. They spilled secrets to each other and even shared things with each other.

Parents of Wheein were thrilled to meet Hyejin. They were thankful that over the years, Wheein's old self was slowly coming back.



"Hyejin how many times do I have to tell you? He's cheating on you!" I said between clenched teeth, slightly jumping on my heels from frustration.

"They're just friends Wheein. I know Loco, He's not that kind of guy"

"Friends?? They're being so clingy with each other for godsake Hyejinie! We all know that Stephanie likes Loco. Why are  you so blind!" I said as I fisted my hand beside me.

"I can say the same thing with us Jung Whee In! We both know that you like me but I stayed the same for the sake of our friendship. Did you know that we had a big argument because of you, just because of how close we are? I had to assure him that we're just friends even though we both know that you have feelings for me!"

My eyes got blury this time. I don't know what to say. Our breath is audible as I wipe my tears and look into her eyes. I can see the regret and pain in her eyes as she blinks her tears back.

I took a deep breath and sigh.

"I'm sorry for almost ruining your relationship" I wisphered this time. I stared at her while she looked at me apologetically.

I offer a small smile as I nod at her.

"You don't need to worry about me." I added, feeling the pain to my chess, I took a deep breath again as I wiped the tears in my face.

"Take care Hyejin-ah" I once again offer a small smile. Then walk away leaving her as I hear her calling my name. I start running while I let my tears fall, letting out all the frustration in my chest. I start running as fast and as far as I can until my legs couldn't move anymore.

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