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This or this ?. It's been an hour and still I can't decide what should I wear. I was staring or more likely spacing out inside my closet. Clothes everywhere, closet drawers were all open, sets of clothes were lined up beside my mirror.

I think this one is better. I said to myself then pick up black plain oversize shirt tucked in my denim pants.

Sh**t. Looks like unnie just asked me to buy soy sauce in the store

" How about this one " I removed the oversize shirt and wore a gray knitted turtle neck sweater instead.

This is quite ok. Ugh Lord help me!


this morning

" Yuki, it's Saturday. I had an exhausting week, please let me sleep more " I said while halfheartedly pushing this girl on top of me. She tought I was being playful by trying to push her so she continue jumping and licking all over my face.

" Unnie!" I scream, calling for help.

I remove the pillow on my face just to see my sister leaning at the door, holding her phone up and just recording my messy morning.

" HAHAHAHAHA! Good girl Yuki-yaaah. Come here I'll give you treats" my sister said while cooing our dog.

"And you Yoo Jeongyeon, get up and take yuki for a walk. We also need some eggs and milk. Plus treats for this beautiful baby" she added before going out of my room. I was about to complain but I remember she's the one giving me allowance. I better be on her good side.

I was walking and bopping around some music when I saw a familiar face. She's sitting in one of the benches near the Han River. She's holding a guitar and trying to figure out something. She's quite annoyed and worried at the same time.


She holds her chest as she was startled when I greet her. I thought she saw me already, i think she's just looking nowhere and spacing out.

" S-Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." I panicked when she glared at me.

Her gaze were soften when she realized it was me. She greeted me back and offer a wide smile.

" H-hi ! Uhm Jeongyeon right? Sorry I didn't notice you. " Mina said as she put her things down and offer the seat.

" No it's ok, I should be the one apologizing. Sorry if I scare you, looks like you're working on something. Sorry." I aplogize as I took the seat beside her. I unleashed Yuki, who wasted no time and started running around.

Then I turn my attention to the girl beside me. She puts down her guitar and sighs as she sips her coffee.

I heard her sigh again as we watch the dogs running around the park. Few people were walking pass but most of them were riding bikes. It's 6:30 am, maybe people choose to stay in bed at home since it's Saturday. If not for this furball running around here, I'm still in my bed, rolled in my blanket like a kimbap.

" My partner had an emergency and needs to go to his province, so I'm trying to learn to play this " she points at her guitar and leans her back while massaging her temple.

I just look at her and offer a small smile, encouraging her to continue.

"I want to join the music club but I didn't get a chance last week. Since I just got back from Japan. Jackson oppa talked to one of his friends and ask if I can join. I have to perform on Monday after class." She continued.

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