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Jisoo POV

It's dinner time and we're here in our patio outside the villa, facing the beach. Me and Lisa were assigned to grill the meet. Byul is cooking something inside the kitchen while Soojin and Wheein are setting the table.

" Unnie my friends and her friends were here as well, can I say hi to them real quick " Chaeyoung popped out of nowhere and was clinging beside me.

"YAH the meat almost fell. Ask permission to Byul" I answered.

"Byul unnie said ask permission to Jeong unnie, Jeong unnie said ask you and now your passing me to Byul unnie again" she's using her puppy eyes while shaking my arms, throwing a small tantrums.

"I'll be quick promise, I'll introduce you all to them. Rosé own the villa, she's with her friends as well" she added.

"Are they single?" I ask her while bouncing my eyebrow up. She just laugh and nod.

"Fine. Come quick, the meat is almost done." small cub gave me a quick hug then run like naruto while letting Jeong and Byul know that I gave her permission. I just laugh at her while shaking my head.

I turn my head towards this girl beside me who's cutting the meat.

"Yah! Put the meat on the plate not in your mouth. Your cheeks are so full"

"It's delicious unnie. But I hope Chaeng's friends are much better"

"YAH!! GUYS!!! Lisa wants to get laid toni---" I didn't finish what I was saying when Lisa cover my mouth.

"Shut up unnie. I heard you asking if they're single as well"

"But not thinking if they're delicious? You and your pervert mind!"

"Same same. Eat this." she said and stuff me some meat.


"Where are your friends Chaeng?" Wheein ask while opening the bottle of soju. We're all gathered here outside the villa after we finished our dinner. Beers and Soju were lined up the table same as snacks. The cold breeze plus the sound of the waves bringing the relaxing mood that we all want.

"I'll call them. Rosé asked earlier what they should bring? We have enough snacks and drinks right? "

"We can only offer beers and soju. They can bring their drinks if they want something else"

"Alright I'll call her"

She ran inside the villa while dialling her friend's number. Few minutes later, we heard her coming back with a box of whiskey in her hand.

"Is this our last day on earth?" Jeong said while getting the box from Chaeng who's struggling because of the weight.

"I hope not. There's more outside 🥹" Chaeng said as she went back outside and coming back with another box of tequila.

"It's Fiiiine!!! Let's enjoy the niiiiight!! Woooo!!!" Lisa holding her beer up, asking for a toss. We all get our beer amd clang it together while screaming like crazy teens.

"They're on their way."

"How many are they? Is the couch enough?" Byul ask, putting the wiskey and tequila in the cooler full of ice.


"We can bring the chairs in the dining table if we can't fit here" Jeong suggested.

"Lisa I'm watching you!" Byul suddenly glared at Lisa who's drinking her beer nonstop.

"What?" acting innocent, she munch some chips before leaning on the couch.

"Please, no girls on our bed. At least not on my watch!" I replied this time, throwing some chips on her while she shamelessly laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2023 ⏰

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