Chapter 2 | Stefania's POV

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When i hung op the phone i got really excited, i havent seen Dani in a week and i needed the distraction. I acted like i was a little busy, while i was actually laying on the couch in my pyjama's staring out of the window. I'm really homesick lately, I don't know what triggered it, but it has never been this bad before. I'm not feeling myself for almost a month now. And the happy moments i spend with my friends make it a little better, but nothing seems to make this feeling go away. I don't know what to do with myself, im a mess. Today was one of my lowest days, I've been crying all day, its as if Dani knew I needed her.

Im in my car, with Jeff in the backseat, it had become a habit of us bringing our dogs when we go to hang out at one of our houses, because we never know for how long we stay there, plus Ford and Jeff love eachother.
I arrived at her driveway and take a look at my puffy, obviously sad eyes. I didn't bother to put some makeup on, and changed into sweatpants and a sweatshirt.

I ring the doorbell, " hi Stef!' Danielle says as she jumped around my neck, obviously excited to see me. I feel butterflies in my stomach because of how adorable she is. " hi Bella" i say. She pulls away from the hug but keeps her hands on my shoulder looking me in the eyes, with a concerned look in her eyes she says "Stef, babe, have you been crying? What happened? " . I don't know why i thought i could get through this meetup without her noticing. "I- i...' i try to say something but the words don't form in my mouth and the tears are taking over again. she takes my hand and leads me to the sofa.

We sit down and she puts her hand in my hand, reassuring me that she's here for me. I feel safe around her, my problems feel a little less heavy on my shoulders when im with her. I take a few breaths and start talking ' i don't know what's going on with me, I'm a mess. I've been crying all day and I just can't make it stop. I- I've never felt this homesick before. Nothing seems to make me feel better anymore." Danielle squeezes my hand and puts her arm around me. It feels nice, she makes me feel like im not alone in this.

" I know it's hard on you being away from home for so long. I don't know what to say, I'm so, so sorry for how you're feeling. I want you to know that I'm here for you and you don't have to go trough this alone. When you feel like this again, day or night, I don't care, just call me and I'll come over to your house or just stay on the phone until you calm down a bit." I start to tear up again from her sweet words, " what did i do to deserve such an angel of a best friend?' I ask, as i put my head on her shoulder. "You deserve the world Stefania. I'll do anything to take your pain away" she said as she places a soft kiss on my head. I look up to see her eyes also filled with tears. I hug her tightly.

We sit like this for a long time until Danielle decided to break the silence first "your birthday is coming up, have you planned something?' I feel a sting in my heart " I haven't given much thought about it, but I'm not planning on doing something" I anwser. " but your birthday is your favorite time a year, you love celebrating it" she says with a pout on her face " I know, I know but this year is different, I just don't feel like celebrating and im constantly feeling sad."  "Everything is going to be okay Bella, I have an idea..." Dani says making me curious " tell me moreeeee" I say. " no I can't tell you just yet but it will make you feel better, i promise." Danielle tells me "thank you, you're the best!" "Okay but first, shall we order some dinner?" Dani says. I nodded and we decided to order some Chinese food and open a bottle of wine.

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