Chapter7 | Danielle's POV

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*9 days until birthday*

Today it's Sunday, both the girls slept in, because Stefania had some nightmares that kept them up a few hours at night. It was 11 am when Danielle woke up. Danielle unlocked her phone and scrolled true her instagram. She then gets a notification from her mom, telling her that she'll stop by this afternoon. Danielle is shocked, normally, her mother notifies her earlier. It's already almost midnight. She wakes Stefania and heads into the bathroom. After a quick shower she heads down stairs, to find Stefania vacuuming. She walks up to her and says, "hey you don't have to... you're my guest, i need to take care of these kind of things." "No I'm glad to help out, i thought you would want a clean house for when your mom stops by." Stefania responds. "You're the sweetest. What do you want for breakfast? I can go out and get some, or make something?" "I'm craving those pancakes you made last week!" Stefania says with a big smile "so pancakes it is" Danielle says as she walks toward the kitchen. Stefania heads upstairs to take a shower real quick while Danielle preps breakfast.

At 2 pm Danielle's mom arrived. They chitchatted for a while, and after that Stefania decides to take the dogs for a walk, so Danielle can get some alone time with her mother.
"What is that between the two of you?" Kathie asks, as soon a Stefania closed the door. " huh what do you mean?" Dani tries to respond shocked, even tho almost everybody asks her this question.
"Are you guys a thing orrr..." her mom insinuates.
"No mom were just friends! She has a rough time so i invited her to stay here for a little while. Just until she feels a little better." Danielle responds, getting a little irritated. "Ah i get that, but on the screen, your chemistry is so damn good, aren't you curious if it's like that in real life?" Her mom asks.
"Yes, i think about that sometimes, but right now, it's better this way." She responds. "So you have feelings for her?"
"Yeah maybe, I don't know, she's just my best friend, and the sweetest soul I've ever met. I don't know. But my body is confused, because on screen we get to connect our body's, and create that chemistry, but in real live we just can't. Friday night... something happened... we were both very drunk, and suddenly we were kissing. But a knock on the door separated us. I blamed it on us just forgetting we don't do that in real live, only on screen, but i think it was more then that. It was like our body's craved each other, and this was the first moment i knew for sure, this wasn't just me. She wants this too." Her mom listens carefully to everything her daughter has to say.
Then she responds " i get that dear. But if you love someone, you tell them, that's something I've learned from greys anatomy 'wink', i get that you don't want to risk your friendship, but i think in this situation, it'd be better if you'd talk about it."
"But right now, she's way to fragile, she's in a real dark place right now, so what if she doesn't want to? I can't risk the change of losing her, especially right now. I need to be there for her. She needs me." Danielle says, with sadness in her voice. " i think I'm going to keep this to myself until she starts about it. I've felt it, this wasn't just me. If she wants it, she will start about it someday. Until then, I'll just stay quiet." "That's a good idea girl, choosing the importance of your friendship, over something that could be a one time thing." Kathie tells her.

"Oh and i also just bought us a vacation, so i better not screw this up right now, that would be a waste of money." Danielle says laughing. " oh yes, you mentioned that on the phone, tell me everything about it!" And Danielle starts to explain what she has planned. Her mom is enthousiast, and adored by the sweet gesture of her daughter.

At dinner time, her mom leaves. Stef makes a deal with kathie that she comes over for dinner in a few days, so she can make her famous lasagne for her.
The girls order in some dinner and afterwards, watch a movie.

It still feels a little awkward between the two of them. Stef sits under a blanket, normally, Danielle would join her, but right now that seems way to close. They are both sitting on other ends of the couch. Mid movie, Danielle gets up and walks towards the kitchen. Shes a little freaked out. The conversation with her mom had made her think. And now she can't stop thinking about what they could be. She has absolutely no idea what the movie is about, because she hasn't payed attention to it. Suddenly Stefania enters the kitchen, "hey, what are you doing?" She asks. "Oh i just went to grab a glass of water. Do you want something?" "No thank you." She responds as she heads back in to the living room. She sounded mad, is she mad at me? Danielle questions in her head. She grabs a glass of water and heads back as well.

She sits down in the place she sat earlier, but Stefania stops her, "come here join me under the blanket, it's cold." She says as she lifts the blanket. Danielle sits down next to her and put her legs under the blanket. Stefania snuggles against her, laying her head on Dani's shoulder. Danielle loves it, but also feels very uncomfortable at the same time. Stefania noticed Danielle's boys tense and places her hand on her thigh, "hey Dani, relax." She says as she squeezes her leg softly. She takes a breath and calms down a little.
They sit like this for the rest of the movie.

Stefania puts the lights out as Danielle heads upstairs already. She places todays gift on Stef's pillow. She heads into the bathroom and undresses to put her PJ's on, when Stefania enters the bathroom. she forgot to lock the door. "Oh excuse me" Stef says as she quickly exits the bathroom "oh no Stef it doesn't matter, come back." Danielle says as she finishes dressing. Stefania comes back in, a little ashamed. "Sorry.." she says. "No it's fine I don't care if you see me naked" Danielle tells her. Realizing after that it sounds a little weird. Stefania laughs a little at that comment. "Same" she says as she giggles and start brushing her teeth. Danielle does the same thing. Then Stefania steps back so Danielle can get to the sink to start washing her face, and as soon as she looks in the mirror, she realizes that Stef is now half naked behind her, putting her pajamas on. Danielle tries not to stare, but that's hard, when such a beautiful woman is standing behind you, HALF NAKED. Stefania notices Dani staring at her so she starts to giggle again. Danielle giggles as well, meanwhile she turns fully red in the face. "Like what you see?" Stef asks her with a grin and a wink. They've always been flirty with each other, but this is another level. Danielle turns redder if that's even possible as she responds "what do you think, you're gorgeous" and later adds "well now I'm not the only one who's blushing." With a smile. This whole conversation was true the mirror, Danielle felt too uncomfortable to turn around. She continues washing her face as Stefania finished dressing.
When they head into the bedroom she sees the gift laying on the pillow, "aaaa another gift, it feels like Christmas!" Stef says excited. They sit down on the bed.
While she's opening the gift Danielle starts to explain what it is, this one is a very obvious hint, she was planning on giving her it as one of the last presents, but Stef has still no clue so she needs a little help. "It's an album, so every time when you travel somewhere, you can print the photos and add some text. There are even questions in there, like what was your favorite restaurant here and you can make top 10 favorite activities and stuff."
"Awwww i like this gift so much! You're really creative with your gifts! Thank you so much, you're the sweetest." "You deserve it! But for real, you still don't have a single clue have you?" Danielle says laughing. "Nope still no idea haha, give me another hint!" Stef responds. "No i gave you to many already, I don't want to give it away just yet! In less than 9 days you'll know."

Stefania hugs her, they lay down, watch some tiktok together on Dani's phone and then they go to sleep.

I'm asleep when i feel the sudden movements next to me again, another nightmare, again. I feel so bad for her. It's so sad she goes true this, it's breaking her. She's crying loudly. Hyperventilating loudly and shaking real bad. Ive never seen it this bad yet. I try to wake her, but when i talk to her she only cries harder. I touch her softly and whisper to her and finally she wakes up. She looks at me shocked. Still crying real bad. I take her in my arms and hold her real close. She's crying against my chest and in my neck. I feel the tears stain my shirt. My own eyes start to water now too. It's hurtful to see someone you love so much in so much pain. When she's calmed a little she looks up and sees me in tears too. She whines a tear from my face. "Do you want to talk about it?" I ask her. "Yes, but not right now, I'm keeping you up for long enough, we should go back to sleep" Stef responds. " no its fine you can tell me now if you'd like." Danielle tells her to reassure her. "Well, I was reliving the whole situation of my mom and sister dying again. But this time, both at the same time. And then when i went back to the U.S everybody i knew disappeared. I had no one." I stroke her head, "it ws just a real bad nightmare, you're not alone in this, i know its hard, but you'll get true this." I tell her. She holds me even tighter, "thank you for everything you do for me, i love you" "of course, i love you" i tell her. I lay down on my back and she crawls beside me and lays her head on my shoulder. I wrap my arm around her and hold her while we sleep.

Thanks for reading! I hope you love this story! Let me know what you think. Wednesday is going to be my update day, and maybe if I have some spare time I'll post in between.

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