Chapter 5 | Stefania & Danielle POV

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Danielles pov

It has been a slow morning, Danielle went on a run while Stefania did some cleaning, even tho Danielle said she didn't have to, Stef insisted.

Danielle came back from her run and took a shower, after the shower she saw a message from Jaina pop up, "hi girlie, do you have any free time this week, i need your help with something and we havent hang out in a while." Danielle began to smile, she misses jaina. "Hi girlie, im free today. I can stop by your place this afternoon?"

Danielle begins to feel a little guilty, to leave the house without stefania, and to not invite her to go with them. But she needed to discuss a few things with Jaina, she's the only one that now's the tiniest bit about the special feelings she's starting to develop. Maybe she could ask Jaina and Barrett over at her house in a few days for a movie night. That way she doesn't excludes Stefania.
Jaina responds that it's okay if she comes over, so she heads downstairs.

"Jaina texted if i could help her with something this afternoon so im heading over to her place in a bit." She told Stefania, before she could response she added "i was thinking, would you like it if i asked Jaina and Barrett over this Friday for a movie night ?"
"Great idea, tell them I'll prep some snacks, then they definitely come!" Stef said with a wink. Dani giggles.
They continue the smalltalk over lunch and afterwards Dani gets in her car and heads towards jaina.

"Hi Jaina I've missed you so much!" She says while jumping in each others arms.
Danielle informs her about her worries about Stefania, her surprise and everything else from the past week. Then she helps her with a few work things and when they're finished they get on the sofa with a glass of wine.
"Soooo when are you gonna tell stef about your feelings for her" jaina says with an evil grin.
"Hold up what feelings? What are you talking about... i.. I don't have any feelings for stefania" Dani tries to deny.
"Oh get over it already, you've never been good at hiding things from me" jaina says.
"Okay maybe i have some small butterflies, but I don't know if you can call them feelings. look, i know she is hot, everybody knows she is hot, and her personality, man she's just the sweetest soul on this planet. But, even if i would call them feelings, I don't know how she feels, and I don't want to risk our friendship, i love her way to much to risk losing her."
Jaina adores Dani, she has never seen her in this state of mind. Danielle has never been this open about her inside feelings.
"You are the cutest little teenager right now, the hearts almost fly out of your eyes" jaina says to lighten the mood, because she knows how uncomfortable this type of conversations are for her. " okay back to focus" jaina says more to herself then to Dani. " i get that youre afraid of losing her, especially at this moment, when she needs you the most. Normally, I would've advised you to tell her, but maybe just wait if she makes the first move and wait on her reaction about your surprise. Just don't fuck things up between the two of you, because even if she hasn't realized it now, she will, and you will end up together, trust me." Dani is glad that her friend is on the same page as her.

They talk for a little while longer. Before heading home they agree on movie night at Dani's place Friday at 8. Jaina informs Barrett after they hugged goodbye.

Stefanias pov

The doorbell rang while Stefania was watching a show on Netflix. She wasn't expecting anybody. She opened the door, it was the mail man, with a ginormous parcel. She was confused, maya hadn't mentioned something about a delivery. She took the parcel inside, thanked the mail man and closed the door. She was way too curious, maybe this parcel had something to do with the mysterious surprise? It took her everything not to open the parcel. After half an hour the door opened and Danielle walked in. "Honey im home" she called. Stefania started to laugh. They did look like a couple, living together, sleeping in the same bed. she quickly brushes these thoughts away.
Stefania gets off the sofa and walks over to Danielle to greet her with a hug. She had missed her, even tho she was only away for a few hours. She informs Danielle about the mysterious parcel, and tells her she's way too curious now. Danielle looked shocked too. She took the box upstairs.

This was Danielle's sign to hand her the next present. She gave her the next present and the most gorgeous smile in the world returned on her face. She thanked her multipele times.

"What smells so good?" Danielle asked.
" I made some lasagna, it should be about ready. Are you hungry?"
"I'm always hungry when it comes to your cooking skills, especially your lasagna!" Danielle says with a big smile.
They eat their dinner and decide to go to sleep early.

Danielle's pov
It was close to midnight, Danielle is almost asleep when she notices the movements next to her. It's starting again. The nightmares. The tears are flowing over stefanias cheeks, her breathing becomes heavier and she starts to mumble. She can't understand what she's saying. She starts to shake and now it looks like she is having a panic attack. She places her hand on her shoulder and softly graze over it. Danielles other hand is in stefanias hair. Trying to wake her up slowly, to safe her from this awful dream. She slowly begins to wake up. The moment she opens her eyes and realizes what just had happened, she drops her head against Danielle's chest and hugs her tightly. She's still sobbing. Danielle tries to calm her.

After a few minutes Stefania's sobs slowly stop. Danielle lowers her body so she can rest her head on her pillow, still holding Stefania close. They fall a sleep in this close embrace.

*13 days until stefanias birthday*

Stefania wakes up from soft snores near her ear, she opens her eyes and realizes it's Danielle. Stefania is still laying with her head on Dani's chest, the same way they fell asleep. The sounds of her heart beating calmed her last night and helped her fall asleep. Stefania is staring up at Danielle's face. Het heart fills with adoration. What did she do to deserve this beautiful soul in her life? She wonders so many times a day. She softly touched Danielle's face, to brush a strain of hair behind her ear.

Danielle slowly opens her eyes at the soft touch. She looks down to see stefania smiling at her cutely. "You know we look like a married couple right now?" Danielle questioned. "Goodmorning to you too" stefania says.
"Only 13 days left until your birthday" tells stefania.
Stef starts to feel that anxious feeling in her stomach again. It's not that she isn't excited about everything Danielle has planned out for her, because men she's curious, but this big homesick feeling is still there and she can't erase it. Danielle realizes that Stef's mind is going full speed so she reassures her by putting her arms around her while she says " hey.. hey stef, don't worry okay, everything is going to be great and I promise you your birthday will only make you feel happier. I get that your birthday is something that reminds you of home and that that's exactly what makes you sad, but try to see your birthday as something happy and joyful, I promise you it will make you feel a little bit better. Maybe in todays present I'll hide a hint on the final surprise"

"Thank you for always understanding me, while I can't even bring to words what I'm feeling inside. I'm so thankful for you, you're just the sweetest" and after a few seconds she adds
"I can't wait any longer you're making me way to excited, can you give me the hint already?" Stef says with a big smile. Danielle always succeed to bring her smile back.
"Okay fine, for this gift it's actually better to give it early"
Dani gets out of bed and into her home office, she comes back with a basket and a card. She jumps back on the bed, now facing stefania, and hands her the card first. Stef reads out loud;
"In less than 13 days we will celebrate the birth of my favorite person in this country, maybe soon in the whole world. Happy almost birthday Stef! The present of today will help you relax and hopefully make you feel better"

"There's no hint in that!!!!!"stefania says confused. Danielle smiles, she thought this hint was already way to obvious, but clearly it wasn't.
She then hands her the basked, it's filled with a new book, bath salt, a bath-bomb, 3 scented candles  and a face mask.
Stefania thanks her friend multiple times.
"So do you have any plans for today?" Danielle asks. "No, you?"
"Okay, now you have, a home spa day. I'm going for a run and run some errands while you go take a bath and relax. No worries, just calmly reading your new book, sounds like a plan?" Danielle asks
"Sounds like a plan cutie" stefania says. Danielle looked at her confused, right before she realized how cringe she sounds.

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