Chapter 6 | Stefania & Danielle POV

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Chapter 6

*11 days until Stefania's birthday *

This is the first night stefania slept true the whole night. Not even nightmares, so she woke up way happier. They went to the store for some groceries. Afterwards they went for a long walk with the dogs. At the beginning of the afternoon, Stefania started to prep dinner for movie night. She made their favorite pasta, the recipe from her nonna, a chocolate dessert and some snacks for during the movies.

At 3PM Barret and Jaina arrived. They chat about everything that has been going on in their lives and laugh a lot. They opened a few bottles of wine and before dinner they all already felt a little tipsy. They started the movie afterwards and started drinking mixed drinks.

Danielle noticed that Stef looks really happy so she's glad.

Danielle and Stefania where sitting next to each other on the couch, they share a blanked and Barrett and Jaina are next to them.

They paused the movie for a toilet break and to refill their glasses. Danielle and Jaina went into the kitchen to refill the drinks and grab some more snacks. Meanwhile Stefania went to the toilet, this was Jaina's sign that it was safe to speak her mind, because only she and Danielle could hear her. "I see it in the way you look at her", Danielle looks confused, she's fully drunk now, so she needs some time to process what Jaina just said. "What do you mean?" She asks to be sure. "I see the love in your eyes, how is she such a fool not to notice it?" She says. "That's nonsense, the only reason that you notice it is because of our conversation about Stef the other day" Danielle responds.

At that exact moment Stefania almost walks into the kitchen to wash her hands, but stops as she hears her name. what does Danielle mean, they talked about me? In what way? All sorts of thoughts go true her mind.

"Think what you want, but eyes don't lie, especially yours. All your feelings are always so easy to read for me, so don't try to deny it." Jains says. "I don't deny anything, we've already talked about it, I just don't want to talk about it right now, what if someone hears this?" Danielle says.

"What are you guys whispering about" Stefania said as she entered the kitchen. "Haha oh nothing important, let's head back to the movie" Jaina said trying to take Stef's mind off the thing they were whispering about. Danielle is stressed out, what if stefania heard? She gave a shocked look to Jaina as they all exited the kitchen.

When the movie is finished, they decide it's not time to go home yet, they refill the drinks, again, and start the music. They dance for an hour or so and then Jaina and Barrett call a cab.

stefania said as she entered the kitchen. "Haha oh nothing important, let's head back to the movie" Jaina said trying to take Stef's mind off the thing they were whispering about. Danielle is stressed out, what if stefania heard? She gave a shocked look to Jaina as they all exited the kitchen.

When the movie is finished, they decide it's not time to go home yet, they refill the drinks, again, and start the music. They dance for an hour or so and then Jaina and Barrett call a cab.

They hugged goodbye and the girls left. Stef and Dani were nothing near tired and decided to keep dancing for a little while. Still high on the alcohol in their system. They refilled their drinks for one last time.

After a few songs, Spotify played a slower song. They danced real close to each other, like they were a couple. They both loved being this close to each other. The tension build up. They stared in each others eyes, and Stefania realized after a few seconds, that Danielles stare wasn't in her eyes anymore, she was staring at her lips.

Danielle had still no clue on what she was doing, due to all the alcohol. But the moment she saw Stefania coming closer, she realized what was going on. 'They where about to kiss!!!!! 'Danielle thought. She closed her eyes and felt Stefanias soft lips touch hers. Then she asked permission for Danielle to open her mouth a little, with her tongue. They made out for a moment but then they heard a nock on the door. It shocks them both very much. "What time is it?" Stef asked as she saw Danielle reach for her phone in her pocket. "Half past 1 already, who would knock at this time?" She said as she walked towards the door. Stef followed. It was Jaina. She forgot her phone. She went inside, grabbed her phone, and as gone again. Leaving the two of them in an awkward silence.
Stefania stumbled on her words a bit, but then Danielle says " I think it's time to go to bed" turned and headed upstairs. Stefania followed. They both changed into their PJ's and went to sleep.

The next morning Stefania woke up first. She layed on her side of the bed, staring at the wall. She didn't know if Dani had woke up yet, because she couldn't even look at her. She doesn't remember much of the night before, but the moment between the two of them she remembers clearly. 'What was I thinking?' She thought to herself.

She noticed the movements next to her, so she turned a bit so she could look at her. Danielle was awake now too. "Good morning" she says softly, "good morning Stef" Danielle says. There it is.. the awkward silence is back again. "Do you remember much about last night? "Stef asks her. "The whole evening is a little blurry, except one moment" Danielle says as she looks away "I'm so sorry for what happened last night, I  just had way too much to drink." Stefania apologized ashamed. "No no no it wasn't your fault, we both felt it. I think we're just used to the chemistry, kissing is nothing new for us due to Station19, I just think the booze let us forgot we shouldn't in the moment." Danielle says, looking back at Stefania, she still sees a sad look on her face. "Hey hey everything is okay between us, no worries" she says with a smile. Stef smiles back at her, but you can still see the sadness true her smile. "How about I give you your next gift?" Danielle says to lighten the mood. "Oe I'm so curious about that surprise, only 10 more days until I find out. "9 actually, you need to know a little more the day before, due to a little preparation we need to do" Danielle tells her. She walks over into her home office and comes back with a little box and another card.

"When you focus on the good, the good gets better" Stefania reads out loud. "That's a lovely quote" she mentions. Danielle smiles, so far she hasn't got the clue yet. She starts unwrapping the gift. It's a little gold bracelet with 3 charms on it, a heart, the Italian flag and a for leaf clover. " the charms are removable, so you can buy some more and so you can alternate the charms." "Aw I love this. Thank you so much. You picked these?" Stef says as she's playing with the charms "yes, the Italian flag as a reminder of home, a clover for good luck and a heart as a reminder you are loved." Danielle tells her. Stef's eyes water again. " keep this up and you're gonna make me cry like a baby everyday" she says as she wipes away the tears. "Awww come here" dani says as she opens her arms to invite her for a hug.

This was chapter 6 guys, thanks for reading all 6 chapters. This one is a little shorter than usual, but exciting and spicy things did happen! Let me know what you think about this chapter.
Lots of love,

Homesick (Stefanielle)Where stories live. Discover now