Chapter 10 | Danielle & Stefania POV

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The girls decided to take it slow, just kisses and cuddles, letting their body's get used to it. Danielle thought about it, and liked the idea of their first time in Italy. That would be an unforgettable moment for their first time. But until then, she decided to play on Stefs nerves for a little. She had to wait only 4 more days until their arrival in Italy. And if stef wanted to have sex before then, Dani decided she would deny, their first time had to be special.

It was early in the evening when Danielle was on her way to the bathroom to take a shower, after a few minutes she heard the door open, some rumbling, and then there she was, a fully naked stefania, standing in front of her. "wow... I.... wow... you are gorgeous!" Danielle finally managed to say. "Thank you bambina, you are gorgeous as well!" Stef responds, taking a few steps closer. Then she slowly moves to kiss Dani. It starts off as a soft, passionate kiss, but soon turns in to a kiss filled with lust. They break the kiss to take some breaths and connect their for-heads. Danielle's eyes were filled with love and adoration, but now turned dark with lust. Stefania picked up on that and places her hands on her hips to pull her even closer. She kissed her hungrily. Hands roaming their bodies. It's the first time they were naked and exposed to each other, but it felt like they had done this for lifetimes.

Stef moved her hand closer between Danielle's legs, but Dani stopped her. "I want this as much as you want, probably even more, but we need to wait, it has to be special" dani tells her, out of breath from her hart racing. "Everything with you is special bambina, let me take care of you. Only if you're comfortable ofcourse!" Stef responds. "I would love to, but in only 4 more days its your birthday and then its the day of the surprise, so that could be our special moment. Lets slow it down a little.. just until then. When we arrive we have all the time to ourself and we can have as much sex as we want." Danielle says smugly.

"That sounds tempting.... Hmm let me think... i think we can wait until then, only on one condition...." Stef says. "And that would be....?" Danielle asks. "I can keep kissing you constantly for the next couple of hours!" Stef says grinning excitedly. "Sounds like a plan!" Danielle says, taking a step closer and kissing Stefania. Stef parted her lips a little for Danielles tongue to enter and they fight for dominance. Stefania's left hand is in Dani's hair, and the other is making its way from her upper back, to her lower back, and then slowly on her ass, squeezing. Danielle moaned in the kiss, "you like me being a little rough with you bambina?" Stef asks proudly. "I like everything you do." Their lips connect again, and as time passes by they stop and Stef speaks close to Danielle's ear while softly nibbling on her earlobe in between words, "you know... in only 4 more days... you can do anything... but i mean... anything... to me you ever dreamed of...". Danielle gasped in responds, finding this way too hot and irresistible. She kisses Stef roughly and pushes her back against the wall of the shower, pinning her hands above her head. She keeps kissing her, and then makes her way down her neck and chest placing kisses all over. When she arrives at her left breast, she hesitates for a sec, but then she feels one of Stef's hands releasing from her grip and that hand pulls her closer, reassuring Dani this was allright. She starts with soft kisses around her boob, to wait for a reaction. Stefania gasps at the first touch and every time Danielle's lips connected to her body she reacts to a new load of electricity. Then Dani takes one of her nipples into her mouth. Stefania starts moaning. She needs some resistance. Danielle noticed her body searching for more, and places her knee in between Stef's half parted legs. Pressing her knee into her center. Stefania moans at that sensation and throws her head back, while Dani switched to her other boob.

Stef keeps half moaning and Danielle enjoys it a lot. Stef tries to hold back her sounds but she can't. She finally got everything she dreamed of, how could she stay quiet while the person she's been in love with for so long finally shows her love back on her body? "Don't be shy, i can hear you're holding back. I want to hear you while i give my love to your breasts." This is all Stef needed to hear, she feels her arousal starting to build and realizes Danielle probably feels this on her knee as well. Danielle starts being a little more rough and Stef starts full on moaning by the sensations. Danielle hums in approval. To her it looked like Stef was about to come by just nipple stimulation. She loves the sight in front of her. This is everything she dreamed of. 'Why did i came up with that stupid plan to wait till Italy?' Danielle thinks to herself. She wanted to please Stef right at this moment, but she made that stupid deal... 'screw that' she thinks and she moves her hand down Stef's abdomen to her vagina. Stefs eyes widen at the sudden action and she stares right into Danielle's ocean blue eyes. She sees questioning in her eyes and realizes Dani was waiting for consent. "Yes please bambina!" She whisper-yelled. And that's the moment Danielle slides her fingers trough Stef's soaking wet folds, collecting slick and bringing it up to her clit where she starts a slow circling rhythm. Stefs eyes roll back and she feels her whole body react to Danielle's touch. It doesn't take long till Danielle quickens her pace and Stef feels her orgasm crashing in. She takes Danielle's name on her lips like a prayer. Danielle kisses her trough the orgasm, but breaks the kisses so she could watch this beautiful goddess in front of her. When Stef rides out her orgasm Danielle slides her fingers one more time trough her folds, collecting the slick on her fingers and bringing it to her own mouth. Stefs eyes widen and she enjoys the view in front of her.

The shower is still running when they connect their lips once again, but this time, Stef breaks the kiss, because she has an idea. She stares deep into Danielle's eyes and then goes down on her. Danielle couldn't believe her eyes. Stef kisses down her body and then spreads her legs and start the magic with her tongue. Her hand going up, massaging her breasts. It doesn't take long till Danielle comes. All this time she dreamed about this moment and now tis finally happening. Stef enjoys every moment of witnessing this gorgeous orgasm.

After Danielle came down from her orgasm they toweled off and went to bed, naked. The feeling of their skins touching is something they both can't get enough of.

Dani lays on her back with Stefania curled up against and over her. "I knew you wouldn't last long" stef says. "It's hard to think straight when a naked Italian goddess is standing in front of you, tempting you." Danielle says matter of factly. Stef looks up to see her face, and before they know their lips connect again. And soon a kiss turns into a full make out session.

Hi lovely readers! Thank you all for reading this story! Hope you like this chapter. I've never written smut before so I hope it's okay... let me know what you think of this chapter!
Lots of love,

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2023 ⏰

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