Chapter 3| Danielle's POV

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The food arrived after an hour. While we're eating I decided to start the conversation on her planning for the following weeks, she told me nothing big so I got a smile on my face, this is really gonna happen, i think to myself. "What are you smiling about' she asks "oh nothing" i tell her, don't want to expose my little secret yet. " oeh it must've gotten something to do with that surprise you were talking about" she says as I see the sadness makes place for excitement in her expression. I grin.

I just decided that I'm not going to ask about her family in Italy and just book a hotel, because she finally loosened a bit up and I don't want to tense her again.

"Shall we listen to some music?" I ask her. She nodded excitedly. We needed a wine refill so i opened another bottle. We both finish up our plates when Stef's favorite song comes on 'Sarà Perché Ti Amo', I putted it in the queue. I turn up the volume as I see a wide smile appear on her face. " Bella, come dance with me please?" Stefania asks me sweetly "ofcourse!" I say as I jump up, drag her with me with my left hand and holding my wine in the other. The music blasts true the speakers as we dance and sing (mostly stefania on that part, cause I only know 1 or 2 lines of the chorus.) she takes our wine and puts it on the table, so we could dance wilder. I felt really tipsy. We start jumping and spinning true the livingroom. After a few of our favorite songs came on we were both exhausted from the dancing.

We got cozy on the couch with a blanket and watched some Netflix. We sat very closely and Stef rested her head on my shoulder. By the end of the movie we both where a little less drunk, but still very tipsy.

It was late and not responsible to drive home " do you want to crash here tonight? It's late already and were both tipsy." I ask her "yes if that's okay with you?" She says. "Ofcourse its okay Stef" i say sweetly.

We go upstairs and both change in some of my pjs and brush our teeth. "Do you want to sleep here or in the guestroom?' I ask secretly hoping for the first option. "Can i sleep here? I could use the company." I tell her its fine and we both go to sleep really quickly.

I wake up to a loud cry, I open my eyes and see stefania sitting up in bed, hyperventilating and crying really loud. "Hey hey hey Stef what's wrong?" She looks at me but doesn't answer me and continues sobbing, "Bella hey hey look at me, take a breath, follow my breathing okay" I say as I deep and slowly breath in and out. She follows my lead and after a few minutes her breathing starts to normalize and the cries start to calm. I hold her hand and squeeze it a little to get her focus on that instead of her feelings.

When she's fully calmed down I ask her "do you want to tell me what you dreamed about? What made you so upset?" She looks me in the eyes and slides back on the bed a little so she could sit against the pillows, I do the same thing. "I had a nightmare. I was reliving the day my sister died. It was almost exactly the same until everybody else that I love died too." She says sobbing again "even you died, I was so scared." It stays silent for a moment, I was about to speak when she said "I think that being away from my family for so long and the loss of my sister are the reasons I'm being so anxious. This isn't the first time I'm waking up like this in the middle of the night, it happens a lot lately." I see the exhaustion in her eyes.

"why didn't you tell me about it? I know I can't take away your pain, but I want to help you get through this. How about you sleep here for a few nights, until you sleep a little better. So that you don't wake up alone." I suggest. She smiles widely "i would love that, thank you so much Bambina, are you sure?" "Yes of course, everything to make your pain hurt just a little less" I tell her "thanks Bella, your the best" she says as she leans her head on my shoulder. After a few minutes of silence I suggest we should try to sleep some more "hmm" she answers, probably already asleep. I close my eyes and fall a sleep.

It's 8:30 am and I just woke up. I decided it's the best to go and book the trip now, because Stefania is stil asleep and I'm not sure when my next moment alone would be. I go downstairs and open my laptop. I decide to book the flight I saw yesterday and a flight back on the 30th of July. So then we have 5 days to rest and prepare for when we need to be back at work.

I see an adorable hotel in Catania, the city Stefania was born in. I assume it's fine to sleep in the same bed, because there is only 1 room available. It has a great few of the sea, a balcony, a kingsize bed and a big bathroom. It's a colorful room with flowers on the walls. 'I think she would love this!' I think to myself. I book the hotel, wait for the confirmation email, close my laptop and walk back upstairs.

I see stefania still asleep so I decide to take a shower. When I'm out of the shower she is still asleep, it's almost 10am now.
I'm gonna make some breakfast and wake her up when I'm done.

"Goodmorning sleepyhead" I say as I walk in the bedroom, to see her already opening her eyes. "Goodmorning Bella, what smells so good?" "Me" i say with a grin, she starts laughing and we head downstairs to eat some breakfast. I made pancakes with red fruit and sirup, some orange juice and coffee. "this is delicious" she says. She's moaning with every bite she takes.

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