Chapter 4 | Stefania & Danielle POV

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Stefania POV

After breakfast i took a shower and got dressed in a sports legging and hoodie from Danielle.

On our way to go do some groceries we've stopped by my house so I could pack a back for my stay at her place. I have no idea how long I'll be there and for how long she would have me. I can't think about going back to my place alone in this state of mind. We've almost arrived at my house when I ask her "you have to tell me when you have enough of me and want me to go back home okay? If you ever feel uncomfortable with me staying with you, you need to tell me right away okay?" I hope i made my point this way. The last thing i would want is that Danielle doesn't feel comfortable at her own house due to me. " don't be silly! I love spending time with you. Everything is going to be just fine you don't need to worry about it." She says as we stop at a traffic light. She places her hand on my thigh, and gives a reassuring squeeze.

When we arrive at my house I quickly pack a bag with enough clothes for at least a week, knowing damn well that i'll probably steal her hoodies to sleep in, because the amount of hoodies that girl has is insane. I also get some food for Jeff and empty the trash can. I'm a little anxious, so i ask Danielle to double check if all the doors and windows are locked before we leave.

I place my bag in the backseat and we drive off to the grocery store. About an hour later we arrive back at Danielle's house. She unloads the grocery's while I put the dogs on their leashes and put on my coat. I was planning on going on a short walk. As soon as i open the door i yell in to the house "be back in about half an hour!" I close the door behind me and start walking. I make a quick stop at the end of our street to put my AirPods in to listen to some music. I need to keep my mind occupied to prevent another breakdown.

As I walk my music suddenly shut down, so I unlock my phone to press play again when I notice the time. It's 2pm, which means that I've been away for over an hour and a half. I quickly open Danielle's contacts and text her.

Stef: " hi, sorry i totally forgot about the time. Heading back now."
Stef: " do you want me to stop somewhere to get us some lunch?"

Dani:" hi Bella no worries. Lunch sounds great. See you soon <3"

Stef: "<3"

At home we ate some lunch and after that decided to start a new show on Netflix.


Danielle's POV

15 days until her birthday. Which means that we leave to Italy in 15 days. I've got the idea to hype her up about the surprise. I'm going to give her a present every evening with a little hint.

I see Stef passed out on the couch next to me, so I grab my laptop and go online to order some presents. I've picked out 10 little gifts with hints in it, some more clear than the others. I also ordered a few distractions, because i don't want her to figure out everything already. The package arrives in 3 days, so i need to go shopping for the other presents tomorrow. hopefully this gives her some motivation to be excited for her birthday.

I feel my eyelids get heavier each second, so it's time to head to bed. I stand up and place my hand softly on her shoulder "Stef, hey, let's go to bed" I whisper as she opens her eyes. Half a sleep, she walks to the bathroom to brush her teeth and heads straight to bed. I do the same thing. We say goodnight and both fall asleep right away.


I feel something pressing down on my stomach, i open my eyes and see Stefania wrapped around me. Her left arm over my belly and her left leg tangled with mine. I feel butterflies " you're so adorable" I whisper. My heart warms at the sight of this beautiful woman, peacefully asleep with her head on my shoulder. I brush some loose hairs behind her ear.
I look at my alarm clock and it's 4AM. Way to early to wake up so I try to get a few more hours of sleep.


It's 8 AM as Danielle steps out of the shower. Stefania was still asleep. She decides to head to the store now, so she wouldn't notice. Before I head out I leave a note on the counter "I'm out getting breakfast, brb!", because I know how anxious she can get.

Danielle arrived at the gift store. She needed to get 5 small presents, that wouldn't spoil the surprise, because everything she ordered online was full of hints. She sees a blue card with an ocean on it. It says 'when you focus on the good, the good gets better.' The ocean would hint on the trip to Italy, but it isn't too obvious. She also buys a package of colorful little cards where she can write some hints down herself, and a bouquet of flowers. She's going to use the bouquet as first gift with a note.

On her way home she stops at a small bakery to get 2 croissants and 2 smoothies.

When she arrives home she sees Stef sitting at the kitchen island. "Good morning sleepyhead" i say. " good morning, you were away for almost an hour, was the bakery so busy" she asks grinning, while helping me unpack breakfast. " I had another little errand to run." I say. She looks at me confused. " tonight you'll find out, you need a little patience". She makes a sad face.

We ate our breakfast and talk about the planning for today. My sister is coming over. " okay i guess im going home this afternoon, I don't want to be a burden" this comment got me off guard, I didn't mean to make her feel like she wasn't welcome, she's my favorite person in the world. " noooo Stef I would love to have you here, you've met my sister and this would be a fun distraction for you too." I see a smile start to form on her face. " are you sure?" " of course I'm sure!" They continue with their smalltalk and after breakfast Stefania start to get ready for the day meanwhile Danielle goes for a run.

The afternoon flies by while they're catching up with Stephanie, Danielle's sister. She stays over for dinner and they watch a movie together.


When Stephanie left the house Stefania jumps off the couch and starts smiling widely. " is it time for you to tell me your surprise already?" She says full of excitement. This afternoon while Stefania was in the kitchen preparing dinner with Stephanie, Danielle ran upstairs to write the little note for the flowers. "Oh I forgot about that, let me go get it real quick" I say as I make my way upstairs. I return with the flowers in my hand. "This is day one of the birthday countdown. Read the card on the flowers" I instruct her. She's really happy right now. These are the moment I do it for, to see her forget about all the pain inside for just a little bit.

"Dear Stefania,
it's your birthday in less than 15 days. Normally, I wouldn't hear the end about it, but this year it's different. Because of how you feel lately I have decided to make this birthday really special and give you something fun to look forward to. I'm not going to tell you what the big surprise is just yet, but I'm sure you are going to love it. From now on, everyday you get to open a little present that contains a hint about the final surprise. I hope this makes you feel a little better.
Know I'm always here for you, no matter what.
Lots of love,

Stefanias eyes start to water. She put the flowers down and hugs Danielle real tight. "You are the sweetest person i know, thank you so so so much Bella". The shorter woman feels the tears form in her own eyes now too. It makes her so happy to see Stef finally happier.

Part 4 is out now guys :) hope you all like the story for so far. Let me know what you think! Suggestions are always welcome! Thanks for reading <3
Lots of love,

Homesick (Stefanielle)Where stories live. Discover now