Chapter 9| Stefania POV

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6 days until stefania's birthday

The last couple of days Danielle didn't feel good. She had the flu and a heavy fever.

It's her 3th day being sick, but her fever starts to come down. The past few days Stefania took care of her and because she was most of the time busy with Dani.

Stefanias pov

Stefania has been up for a little bit, so she went downstairs to make Danielle some tea and toast. When she's back upstairs she noticed Danielle started to wake up. "Goodmorning bambina" she says with a sweet smile. "Good morning" Dani responds. "Can you sit up for me?" I ask her. She sits up so i place the toast on her lap and place the tea on her nightstand. "Thank you, you're so sweet" she tells me. Stef takes her own plate and they eat in bed in silence.

Its a slow morning, Dani lays on the couch watching a movie while Stefania does some chores. She changed the bedsheets because Dani has been sick for a few days and she cleans a little.

They hang in the house all day and watch eachothers favorite movies with some snacks. After dinner Stef decides she needs to go to the gym. "I'm going to the gym, i havent been there in forever.." she says laughing. "Oh can I come with you?" Danielle asks seriously. " no of course not crazy girl, you're still sick" She responds. "Noooo i feel all better!" Danielle says trying to convince her. "How about i go alone tonight, but in a few days, when you feel better, we go together?" "Okay good idea... oh wait we don't have much time until the tr.... Surprise!!" Danielle says correcting herself quickly, praying stef didn't notice her words. "What where you about to say?" She asks curiously. "Oh .. uh... crap.. nothing.. never mind!" Danielle says struggling. But then she realizes she havent given her the hints/ presents from the last three days. "Hold up I totally forgot, I need to give you your presents from the last 3 days!" She says before she stumbles upstairs. She comes back with three wrapped gifts. 1 big one and 2 little ones. She hands Stef the first little one. "Omygod its the tower of Pisa! I love it. Thank you so much!" She says as she hugs her tight. "Okay next one!" Dani says smiling. They unpack all the presents and stef thanks her a million times.

Then she heads toward the gym. It's a 5 min walk. While walking she starts thinking about what that big surprise could be. Maybe its a concert.. oh wait maybe where going to Italy! She thinks to herself. I don't want to get my hopes up, but i really think its Italy... she knows how homesick i am lately, and all the hints are related. Even the card of the ocean looked like the sea in Italy. She gets really excited, but tells herself a few more times not to get her hopes up, and that everything leading to the surprise was already her best birthday gift ever. I'm so thankful for Danielle. I need to start planning for her birthday, because after this i could only disappoint her.

Stef is running on the treadmill when suddenly a good looking guy starts running next to her. He takes a look at her speed on the screen and adds one more to his, while laughing. Stef adds one to hers and they continue this until they are both sprinting for their lives. After some minutes she starts to slow her speed down to walking speed so she can take a sip of her water. He does the same thing.
Then he says "you have quite an endurance". "Yeah so do you, I'm totally out of breath" she responds. "Do you train here often?" The man asks. "No I've only been here once, I'm staying at my friends house". "Oh how so?" The man asks. " its a long story.. but shortly, we both have a break from work and could use eachothers company." She responds. "Oh sounds fun, where do you normally train?" "At the gym near my house, but I don't go as much as i want to." Stef tells him. "I can't notice that in the way you're looking" the man says, totally checking her whole body out. Stef feels a little uncomfortable now. "That's nice, thank you." She responds. "Oh I didn't catch you're name" the man says, extends his hand to her. "I'm Stefania, what's your name?" "Hi Stefania, my name is Nick, short for Nicolas." "Nice to meet you nick!" She says nicely. "Do you want to grab a coffee after working out?" He asks her. "Yeah uhm, I'm actually done right now, this was my cooldown." She tells him. "Oh that's fine, we can leave now. There's a real good coffee place around the corner." He says while getting off the machine. "Okay, ill text my friend ill be home a little later then." She says while taking out her phone to text Danielle, while walking towards the dressingroom. "Ill see you at the exit in five?" He asks. "Yes" she respons.

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