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It's abrupt, strange to say the least, how a boy can capture his attention in a room full of people he's sure would be more interesting, and perhaps more pretty, but now, for Lewis, Max stands out from the crowd.

Lewis watches from afar as the purple lights dance across the boy's pale skin, Max looks lost, his wide eyes almost innocently looking around trying to understand how he put himself in this situation, Lewis finds it funny that the boy is holding a glass of Coca-Cola in the middle of people drunk and high on cocaine.

None of the other drivers seem to care much about Max, but Lewis finds himself watching with concentration every movement of the little 17 year old dutchman, who certainly shouldn't even enter a place like this, he notices how the younger man's Adam's apple rises and falls when a woman, noticeably older than Max, sits down next to him and touches him, the scene is almost comical and Lewis holds back a loose laugh that tried to escape.

Lewis sees the relief in the blonde's eyes when the woman gives up and and goes looking for another driver, Max looks down at his glass again, with his child's drink, while trying to avoid looking at his teammate, who is on the same sofa kissing a blonde woman.

Lewis wonders why Max is so hesitant and nervous, he thinks that at 17 he was at the peak of his uncontrollable excitement, if he had been as visible at that age as Max is, he certainly wouldn't stand still, looking like a weirdo, looking away from all the women in the place like a damn virgin, maybe Max is a virgin, Lewis thinks that Max is being stupid.

The older man is slightly surprised when Max's eyes land on him, the blond's eyes widen and Lewis is sure that his cheeks are red, the dutchman observes how Lewis is now, with two women kissing him everywhere, touching him everywhere, Max's eyes go up a little and meet Lewis's deep, intense eyes.

The younger man is slightly startled at having been caught and Lewis smiles sadistically, for some reason he doesn't understand. Max holds his stare for a while, until he breaks eye contact and Lewis realizes it's going to where the two women's hands are, stroking his covered cock.

Max seems to remember the functionality of his legs and runs out of there, literally running, Lewis amused at the thought of Max masturbating desperately and alone with the fantasy of two women grabbing him.

If Lewis fucks both women imagining Max in the place of one of them, nobody needs to know.


It happens again almost a year later, the lights are still dancing on Max's pale skin, but this time there's a slight smile on the younger man's face, the almost innocent eyes are still the same, the glass of Coke is still in his hand, Lewis likes the lightness that Max shows. But this time, Max doesn't shy away from the stares, it's as if it's somehow feeding him, people's admiration, everyone saying "congratulations on your first win", Lewis thinks about how at 18 he wasn't even in Formula 1.

Lewis looks at Daniel standing next to Max, the Australian's euphoria gradually infecting the boy who, in a way, is still shy, he notices how Max leans into the other man's touch, how he appreciates it, how he longs for it, and then Lewis understands the hesitation and nervousness before, Max was trapped in an overwhelming heterosexual environment that nullified his existence, the dutchman is still in such an environment, but now he seems to feel safe with Daniel, safe enough to relax.

Lewis watches Max float around Daniel like a puppy begging for attention, he watches Max's eyes light up as the Australian dances with him, so excited that it looks like he's won the race again. Max's eyes meet Lewis's again, once again, they spend a few seconds exchanging curious looks, this time, Max's eyes go to Lewis's tattooed hand, which is positioned inside another man's thigh.

Lewis almost laughs when Max tilts his head in an attempt to understand, and, as a teasing game, he raises his hand, which comes dangerously close to the other man's crotch. Lewis smiles when Max looks away embarrassed.

The dutchman turns his full attention to Daniel, but shortly afterwards, Lewis watches Max's big smile dissolve as he watches Daniel walk away with a woman, Max runs off quickly and the british man is a little saddened at the thought of Max alone, crying at what he has just seen.

If Lewis later fucks the man next to him senseless while thinking about Max, no one needs to know.


Next chapter coming soon :)

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