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Author's note: Today's chapter is a little longer than the previous one, so I think it's better to say that the size of the chapters will be random.

Enjoy :)


There are no colored lights this time, no Coca-Cola, not even a distance between them, now Lewis can see the easy smile up close, the eyes so blue, shining with innocence, he thinks how dangerous it's to notice.

The grey sky of São Paulo makes the blue eyes the most beautiful and eye-catching color there, Lewis can see it even more closely when he compliments Max during the podium interview, he pulls the younger man by the shoulders and notices how easy it's, how Max surrenders to any touch, how he lets himself go, how excited he gets when he's complimented, it makes Lewis excited.

The distance returns later, the lights are agitated and more colorful, now in the glass there is something transparent, maybe gin, Lewis can see the perfectly aligned teeth when Max smiles openly at another man, the innocent eyes are turned towards the taller, bearded guy, who thinks he has the right to put his hand on Max's slim waist, Lewis boils inside, he shouldn't, he knows he shouldn't.

He searches for Daniel with his eyes, but he can't find him anywhere, of course not, if the australian had been there, Lewis doubts that Max would be talking and almost throwing himself at another man. He honestly hasn't decided which is worse, the stranger, Daniel, or this senseless obsession he's developed for Max.

Lewis forgets the safe distance, he makes his way through the crowd, his stare never wavers. Up close, he can see Max's hesitation, the blond doesn't drink the drink he's been offered, smart, Lewis thinks. But Max is still carried away by the other man's touch on his waist, Lewis gets closer, it's dangerous, it's stupid, Lewis's mind is furious.

As if it were his property, Lewis pulls the other guy's hand away from Max's waist, and before anything else happens he pulls Max towards the crowd. They stand there, staring into each other's eyes while everyone around them is drunk and dancing, Max looks furious, Lewis smiles in response, Max hates his smug smile, he realizes he loves provoking Max's anger.

Before the dutchman does something stupid in front of everyone, Lewis pulls him into the bathroom while signaling for his security guard to follow, there are two people snorting cocaine at the sink counter, one word from the brit is enough for them to leave, the security guard stays at the door, they are alone and the loud sound outside is minimal.

"That could end your career." Lewis' knowing smile appears.

"What?" But Max knows what Lewis means, the older man can tell by the way the Dutchman's eyes wavered.

Lewis smiles. "Are you old enough to drink?"

"I'm 19, you idiot, don't be stupid," Max replies harshly.

Lewis loves the fact that Max is so acidic.

"So don't act like a stupid, if you want to go out and fuck men, you should keep it a secret, don't forget that you're part of a sport that would destroy you if it came to light." Lewis says firmly and realizes that Max is holding his breath at his words.

"You did it." Max says quietly, but his tone is accusatory.

"I've done a lot of things, you'll have to be more specific." Lewis smiles mischievously and watches as Max shudders.

"You with a man... your hand was on his leg, going up..." Max's cheeks are red, Lewis wants to lick them so badly.

"Yes, I remember that day, you looked like Ricciardo's puppy." Lewis knows he's touching a nerve, but he likes the darker shade that Max's cheeks take on.

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