A Life Changer (1996)

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The Malfoy twins; Draco and Star are sixteen years old and they are on their sixth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Lucius Malfoy is in Azkaban, mother Narcissa living in the Manor and the twins going to school at Hogwarts. 

Star; a few minutes younger than her older twin and best friend Draco. Mother's idea for her daughter's name was the likes of stars She saw in the sky at night. Star loves her name and every birthday thanks her mother for giving her the perfect name. The one thing that makes Star different than her family is that she isn't a bully, evil or a deatheater. She is too nice to people, generous to anyone she meets, and doesn't have a thought of blood purity clash with her personality (*you will see that later*). Draco; five minutes older than his sister, and he has never left her side since they were born. He and Star care so much of each other and they won't do things without the other by their side, ever. Draco, as everyone knows; he's a bully to every student, has rival with Potter and the hottest guy in Hogwarts. 

It's Christmas Holiday and after a long term at Hogwarts, Star and Draco are spending the holiday at the Manor with mother. Two days into the holiday, Narcissa found the heirloom that is suppose to be given to her children before the holiday is over. Narcissa knew for a very long time that one day she had to give her children the family heirloom, which wasn't a heirloom at all. It was a contract--better known as a prophecy. She also knew what was said, what had to be done and how much pain it would cause her children to be become heartbroken. She found the children in the parlor room, sitting on the couch next to each other. Draco's arm wrapped around his sister's shoulders. 

"Children." Mother spoke. They look up at her and smile. "Your Father meant to give you this but, since he is away... He has asked me to give the family prophecy." 

Draco takes the prophecy from his mother, reads it alone and fell back into the couch next to his sister

"Drake, what's wrong?" Star was scared and worried about her brother. "Tell me."

"Mother." Draco couldn't speak. "Please excuse us." He took Star's hand in his and squeezed it tightly. Narcissa left the parlor room for her children to discuss the family prophecy.  

Draco's POV

I look over at my beautiful sister. Star; my twin, my sibling half and the girl who will be broken from this prophecy. 

'Star..." I didn't know what  to say. "This family prophecy, it has told our future. Sister, sometime next year... you and I have to marry..." She interrupts me. 

"Finally. I can't wait to get out of here. A life of my own." Star widely smiles. 

I stand up from the couch, she follows my lead with our hands tangled together and I pull her close with no space in between us. 

"No, Star. You won't be leaving--this place." She gasped. "When I say, you and I marry--it does mean marry but, we are betrothed to marry each other." She shook her head. "Yes, sister. Yes. Please don't cry. I don't need to see you cry." She clears her tears. 

I hand over the prophecy to her; which she reads what I, her brother read and then cried so heavily, my shirt was soaked up. We sat on the couch, Star in my lap and my arms around her body.

"Do we? I...don't see this..." Star cried more. 

"Please. Star, I love you and I don't want to see you cry or hurt. The prophecy it tells the future of the family and we are part of it now. We have to do this, okay?"

"No, I won't. Drake, I'm not letting this happen. I'm gonna marry who I want and no prophecy can tell me what to do." Star got off my lap and tried to leave the parlor. I quickly let the 'Colloportus' charm on the doors, so she wouldn't leave. I walk over to the doors, grab my sister's wrists and planted a kiss on her lips. Sparks flew inside me and I know it's true love. 

'Let me go, Drake. Don't ever touch me like that again!"

"Star, I barely touched you. I kissed you." 

"That's it. You. Kissed. Me." She had tears again. "Open the doors,Drake. Please, I need to be alone with myself for awhile." 

"Fine. But, Mother will make you change your mind about this. You'll see, Star. You'll see that your future is to marry your own brother. Next year, we have to marry each other, Star." I set the 'Alohomora' charm on the doors. Once it clicked opened, my sister ran out of the parlor and to the second floor into her bedroom. 

I needed to show part of the beginning intro to get you all to understand the story. I hope this is good and everyone likes it! Posting the other half now. Thank you! 

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