Our First Child (Short Chapter)

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December 13th 1997:

We're married.

Dumbledore was killed by Snape....

Draco was apart of the job and I never knew he was hiding it..

Harry, Ron and Hermione are out looking for Horcruxes. 

Snape is now headmaster of Hogwarts...

The school is completely ruined and has turned upside down...

After the wedding, I went to Master Amanius to tell him about what happened at the wedding with the bond and that I wanted to check if the prophecy has changed the number of children yet. He looked over it and it made to an eight and now, we are going have more children to care for.

It's our seventh year now. McGonagall advised me to take my exams early on during the term, so I do not disturb classes if my water broke. I am very huge as a whale unlike when we were married in June. Draco has been helping me in and out of bed, and around the common room since it became harder to move about. 

It's the week of exams now, and we had least a week until we came home for the holidays. I can not believe that a year ago on Christmas night, Draco proposed to me to be his wife. It's been five months since we got married on our birthday and now since Draco does not have that job on his mind, we have been fighting constantly when my hormones take over me. And later I would cry to Draco for yelling at him and ask for my forgiveness. He always calms me down and tells me how much he loves me no matter how much we fought. Every night, my so-called-evil husband talks and sings to our child who is in my belly. I love watching him being kindly and talkative to our unborn son. 

Today will be different. Very Different. 

I sit by the fireplace in the common room and watch the flames burn bright with colors of red and orange. It is about to be lunch and it means Draco was coming back to have lunch in the common room. I begin making our lunch in the kitchen and Draco comes through the portrait door. He kisses my lips as we sit down at the small round table that was in the middle of the kitchen area. As I was about to take my sixth bite of the chicken, pain shot through my body and I cried loudly. Draco immediately came by my side and asks me what's wrong. I tell that my water broke and he has to take me to the Hospital Wing. I patronus Professor McGonagall that my water broke and Draco will not be returning for exams the rest of the day. My husband carries me to the Hospital Wing and once we get there, Madam Pomfrey tells Draco to set me down on a bed. She quickly turns the white curtains around us, leaving Draco outside of the bed. I get dressed and she covers the sheets over most of my body which left some space between my legs. 

Madam Pomfrey took a tool that looked like a knife and was trying to keep me still so she could cut me open. I screamed for Draco but, he said there was a charm on the curtains and he couldn't get through. At that moment, the hospital doors opened, it was Snape. 

                   God, why does he have to be here!? I thought.

He swiped the charm off the curtains with Draco behind him. Snape took Madam Pomfrey away from my bed and in a second she changed to Alecto Carrow; death eater and professor of Muggle Studies. I screamed in pain and cried as I saw Carrow morph back into herself. She was trying to kill me?  Draco held his arm over my whale belly to protect our child from Alecto. Snape asked her to take him where she was hiding Madam Pomfrey, so she could deliver my child. All I knew was that Snape was protecting us from a death eater and that he must have known from Dumbledore about us. They walk into Pomfrey's office and then Snape chases Alecto out to the door. He obliviates Alecto memory of ever trying to the kill me or seeing Draco and I as a couple. Snape kicks Carrow out of the hospital wing and tells her to go back to teach her classes.

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