I'm Sorry

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Still in Star's State of Mind: 

"Living and the De-ad?" She didn't know what to think. Was she really dead, like Harry had thought, while fighting Voldemort during the Battle at Hogwarts. Professor Dumbledore didn't say anything. "Professor, am I dreaming?" She sat on the bench nearest to them and he sat next to her. 

"No, child. We are not to dwell on dreams, Miss Malfoy." He looks over to her. 

"Yes, Professor. I should woke up, right?" She tries to smile at her professor.

"It is for you to decide if you want to stay or go to the living. I do think everyone will understand if you chose to be with the rest of us. Only you decide." He stares onward. 

"Professor, could I really stay?" Star followed his gaze. 

"Oh Star, it is on your own to or not. Do think wisely and that long life you're going to have." 

"Of course, Professor. How are the others?" 

"Fine. We are all watching. Remember child, the world we live in." 

"I will, Professor." She thought of Draco and her friends. 

They heard talking, Draco with Harry. Star missed them. 

"Ah, Harry and young Mr. Malfoy. Do tell them you saw me, Miss Malfoy. I do think it will make Harry happy to know you saw me, Mrs. Malfoy." He slightly smiled, which not many saw from him. 

"Yes, of course I will, Professor Dumbledore." 

"It is time for me to go. You will wake up soon, child. Though, you need to remember time and dreams are short." He gets up to leave from the bench. 

"Tell everyone I said hello, Professor." Star gets ready to wake up from the unconsciousness. She turns around, he is about to disappear in the white around them. 

"Goodbye, Mrs. Malfoy. You do the same." Then he was gone. 

Star waits for something to happen, like leaving this white empty place, that looked familiar to her. She waited for a few minutes until she closes her eyes and is taken out of the white frame. 

St. Mungo's: 

"She's been moving around, but there isn't anything else." She heard Draco's voice in the distance. 

"I hope she's alright. We can't lose another baby, dear." Narcissa's voice told her son. 

"I do not want her to go though that again. I love her, mother." Draco says to their mother. 

          Draco loves me? How come he didn't try before, Star thought.

"It is alright, darling. No worries. Please stop crying." Mother comforted her son. 

"I don't want to lose her, mother!" Star could hear his crying from wherever they were at thay moment. 

"Sh, darling. Please." Mother comforts Draco. 

"Mother. Mother." Star tried to speak as loud as she could to get Mother's attention. 

"Star? Star, are you awake?" Mother came to the bed.

"Now I am.." She opens her eyes to see mother and Draco next to her. "Hello, mother. Draco."

"I am so sorry, my love. Please forgive me!" Draco took her hand in his and sniffed. 

"It is alright, dear. You were just angry and needed space. Of course, I forgive you, Draco." 

"You don't know how awful I feel to hurt you like I did. I'm sorry." 

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