Chap 26: Because (2004)

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                   My wife was having our beautiful children, she had different moods and I would sometimes, get hurt by having objects thrown at me. When she was pregnant with the quintuplets, which lasted three months because she wanted to use potion for emergencies. She yelled and screamed bloody most often than normal, it scared our children. We were on our to forty children. 

  Star had given birth at the muggle hospital because we hated St Mungo's far more than most of the wizarding world. She was in labor for 15 hours with the five babies she had carried for three months. We were in a muggle hospital, so the birthing could not go as fast as St Mungo's would let it happen. My wife was slow, her pale face whiter than He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and she was too tired. 

     Maria Luna, Alina Joy, Nicholas Carter, Robert James and Michael Jacob. Numbers 31 to 35 had arrived. 

    After giving birth to the quintuplets, we had triplets. Jonathan Andrew, Julian Douglas and Jeremiah Landon.  Numbers 36 to 38. Almost to forty. 

Star wanted another set before we finished the year, though, not too late because they would never get into Hogwarts if they were born after September First. A summer pregnancy, which Star hated. It would be too hot and she would slow down giving birth. 

"You can do it, love. It's alright." I brushed her hair with my hand. 

"Shut it, Draco!" She pushed my hand away and locked it with hers, as she screamed and pushed.

 We did not want the muggles to see us again, so we had the healer come to our manor to deliver our twins. The healer suggested magical birth, but Star wanted to physically give birth to our children. I stayed by her, though I wish Weaslette was here instead of me. I can not stand watching her painfully have our children. 

The twins came. August Jasper and Daniel Neville.  

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

   "How many boys? We started head counting the rooms in our manor to separate the boys and girls. 

Our oldest two were seven now. They had four years till Hogwarts, I was scared. Would anyone care to be friends with my children after what my family and I had done in the wizarding world?  Bloody hell, I was utterly scared for my children. All forty of them! 

"Fifteen. Not including Oliver to Daniel, love." I answer my wife. 

"Good." She had turned to Neptune. "Now, Neptune, you have to room with Jupiter." My wife says to our oldest son. 

"Mummy, do I have to? Juptier is only five. Can he not room with Ash? I want my own room." My son looked over to me. 

"Love, we have so much room in our manor now to hold more than eighty people. Mostly ninety. He should have his own room. Venus too, darling. They are seven. They will leave for Hogwarts before any of the others, honestly." I kiss my wife's cheek. 

"Alright. I will not argue with you, dear." She carried Nep in her arms, she wanted him as a baby again. "Nep, your new room." She opened a door, and waved her wand on the door. His name on a plate. 

The second floor halls were long, but after some time, each of the children who could oldest or had to share a room, were all in new ones with a few hours. The babies were all in rooms of their sets. Victorina and Isadora in one room. Oliver and Dante in another. The Quints in one room. Jonathan, Julian and Jeremiah was in a room by our room. And August and Daniel in the baby room, Mother conjured after we large the manor a few months ago.  

It was a lovely time at dinner. Neptune was curious of Hogwarts. As he always had been. He does not know he and Venus were born in the Hospital Wing, that year. Star would not answer his questions, though, I suggested that we tell them. She disagreed and said he should wait until he is ten to know of everything. 

"Father, what's Hogwarts like?" Neptune smiled, excitedly. 

"Enough, Neptune!" My wife shouted, glaring at me. 

"Mum!" Nep tried to speak.

"It's alright, bud. Do not worry about it. We'll talk later son." I whispered in his ear. I looked down the table at my wife. She was angry, Bloody Baron angry. "What?" 

After dinner, the elves set the children to bed. Star took care of the babies. Once she was in our room, she pinned me against the wall. "What the bloody hell, Draco!? Neptune will not know about Hogwarts until he is ten." 

"Love," I grabbed her arms and held her. "why must he not know now? Are you scared that others will not like our children because of---"

"Because of what Father had done and you followed. People hated us because of Father. You bullied my friends and once we married--I thought people hated me too. Honestly Draco, I do not want them to like Hogwarts and then, students will not talk to them because they are a Malfoy." Star cried in my arms. 

"It's alright, darling. Sh. I think Neptune and Venus should know and they will be prepared for what's to come once it comes." I kiss her forehead. She nods. "Bed, my love." I carried her to the bed. 

We slept and I dreamed of my many children and Wife. 

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