Prophecy Answers

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  This is starts where it left off in the end of the last chapter. The Malfoy Prophecy is finally answered for Star and Draco. Then, they can have their lovely dinner at the Leaky Cauldron. Watch to see: 

Draco's POV: 

"What do you mean it might hurt us?" I scarily ask the owner. 

"It--there is this bond that will make you both as one right?" We both nod to him. "It is indicated that the bond is a spell on the day of the wedding when you both kiss at the end of the ceremony." 

"What will it do as a spell to bond us?" Star calmly asks. 

"It is said that the spell will bond you inside and out the second you kiss. It might also continue with giving the weaker person lots of pain during the bonding. It could hurt the child in the womb, make you paralyzed in legs, voice, or eyes. Or it won't give you any of that, just the pain the bond might cause to settle inside you." 

"So, one of us might be injured during the bonding at the wedding?" I held my grip tighter around Star's waist. 

"Maybe, it is said to happen but, best way, it might not. The only thing that will correctly happen is the spell of the bond to make you two as one. As that said, the bond makes you into one and with that, you will have feeling connection, and your Malfoy thoughts that you have will be stronger than before. I have found that it is because of the marriage and bond, your connection through the mind can get to you do so much more to each other than spells with a wand. There haven't been many wizard families who have something like this going on, so there are not much records of how these work after the bonds." 

"Our mind connection will get stronger, and I could possibly control him with just the power being stronger than it is now?" Star questioned her curious mind. 

      'I heard you!' I told her in our minds. 

    'Shut up! I'm just asking questions, Draco!' 

Master Amanius could tell they had just talked in their minds. He ignores the interruption and continues the meeting. 

"Yes, Miss Malfoy. It could be possible." He told her with a grin. "As I said before, no records of mind power as this kind as ever been recorded. I do want, after the wedding, if there are changes in your mind connection, you have to come and tell me. Because then, if I get it recorded, it will help me for future wizards." 

"I will of course, do that, Master Amanius." Star says to the owner. 

"Now, in this bond you have a feeling kind of connection. Since it is making two into one, you will have a power to both of you getting the same feeling. I mean is, if Miss Malfoy is crying, then Master Malfoy will get it too." Star intrigued by this, she smiled and ignored Draco's ugly stare. "If one of you is angry the other one will get that feeling. And it might not be for the same reasons but, you both will have the same feeling at the same time. Do you understand?" Star agreed to all the nonsense this owner was babbling about and I just nod my head to pretend like I understood any of it. 

"I understand everything, Master Amanius. You can rely on me to remember everything." Star cheerfully told the Owner. 

            God, she is reminding me of the Mudblood Granger, I thought. 

"Thank you, Miss Malfoy." She grins and the Owner continues talking. "You do understand of the marriage date and the baby?" Star nods and told the owner it wasn't hard to take a hint of that part. "Good. Well, the part of not being with other wizards or witches, is a serious complication for this prophecy. You can not be in a relationship with any other, because it will crush the future of your lives and I hope this won't happen... but, if one cheats, that person will die. I found that in some of these books here." He points to the books on the table. "Now, will that happen or are you willing to stick together to make sure no other gets between the two of you?" I understood that, agreed with him and Star agreed too. "It says to have seven children through the marriage. Miss Malfoy, when you were here earlier what number was it?" Star said it had read of 'five' not 'seven'. "Ah! I think since you came this morning, your love must have grown some to have this number magically change in the parchment. I read it as 'five' when you handed it to me but, it must have changed during my study of it." Master Amanius continues on. "Seven, I must say is a lot but, it could have been changed due to the fact that your love has grown since Miss Malfoy came inside the shop this morning. Do you think your love as changed a bit since, recently?" He asked us. 

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