Chap 27: More?

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                    "Draco, love. How do you feel with four babies?" 

                  "We do have over thirty children, love. Four more should not be a problem." 

            "Yes, and I do love being your wife, Draco." 

         "But, what about---"

     "That is all I ever will be to you. Your wife. I love it when you shag me and when I give birth to our children. I see the way you look when you hold them. You have been a good father, Drake. Four more is nothing and I truly know that you will continue to be an amazing father."

"I love you." He kissed my lips. 

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ 

Four months ago, I had Kennedi Joy and Kellie Faith. It is now May and I had one more month before I give birth to these four I was carrying. 

   Time passed. I was in bed, pushing harder, sweating and very tired. I had not gotten any of the four babies out of the womb yet. It's been hours. Finally, after 14 hours, I had one out of the womb. 

     Number 43 was here. It was a boy. Kenneth Jackson. After eight hours, two of them came out at the same time. Number 44 and 45 were here. Kirk Charles and Kameron Connor. After six hours, a girl, Kara Iliana. Number 46 is finally here. 

"Beautiful, love." Draco says, as we looks at his new baby girl. 

"I want more, Drake." 

"Yes, we will get more, my love." 

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ 

|2006| |March|

"Push, Mrs. Malfoy! Push!" The healer shouted as I pushed. A baby scream. "It's a boy."

"Everett Benjamin Malfoy." Number 47. 

"Push, Mrs. Malfoy!" 

After four hours, it was a girl. Ivanna Ysabelle. Number 48. 

"Push! Push!" 

Six hours later, it was a boy. Zechariah Quadarius. Number 49. 

~~~~ ~~~ ~~~  ~~~


"Push, love." 

"Push, Mrs. Malfoy!" 


It was a boy. Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy. Number 50! We had done it. 

"We made it, love. 50 children. The Prophecy is finished!" Drake kissed my cheek. 

The parchment in his hand, did not burn away like it should have, but the numbers changed once more. To sixty. Sixty!? 

"No. It can not be--" 

"We must until the Prophecy is burned, Drake. Don't you want more, darling?" 

"Yes, of course. but, it has not changed since New York. Why?" 

"It must be our destiny, Draco." 

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