Diagon Alley Part 2

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I hope yall enjoyed the last chapter. This chapter will have more of some of Star's secrets and her hidden life oppose from her family. And also, the beginning of the meeting with Master Amanius about the prophecy. Please enjoy! Thanks! :) 

Draco's POV: 

I walk of to the Jewelry shop near Flourish and Blotts. There I enter the shop with the owner behind the counter. 

"May I help you, sir?" The owner asked me. 

"Uh, yes. I'm Draco Malfoy." The owner's eyes grew wider. "I want a special request for my love." The shop owner knew something was going on. "Is there a necklace or bracelet that is already here which could get charmed?" 

"Yes, Sir. Those are over here on this side." He walks to the other end of the counter. "These can have more than one charm done to them. I try to advise customers to not put more than four to five because it will damage the accessory and it stops working." 

"How? We're wearing it or the charms?" 

"The charms. You can still wear it though but, it won't be special once the charms wore off." 

"I think I'll get three charms, today." I look at the bracelets and necklaces. 

I notice a gold necklace, probably a 10k that has a diamond pendent flowing at the bottom (the pic above, its silver not gold). I knew it was the one for Star. I don't know what to chose. A bracelet, too? Engagement ring. Three things, no. Four. Mother. 

"I would like this gold 10k necklace and one spell on it." I tell the owner. 

"Certainly, sir. Which one would you like? Love, memory, mood?"

"The love one will do." I stare at the bracelets and there was a 5k silver chained bracelet with a medium pendent of a heart dangling in its' knot. "And may I get this bracelet, too." The owner takes the bracelet out the case and to the front counter. "I could get small pin charms for this bracelet?" 

"Yes, Sir. And you don't have to click them to it, it will magical click itself to the bracelet. There are pin charms in the back side behind you. And when you need a new pin charm, just come and pay. Nothing else to it." 

I carefully inspect the pin charms and there, a pin charm caught my eye. A small gold ring pin charm. "Mister, is this a engagement ring pin charm?" I ask the shop owner. 

"Oh, the gold ring pin charm?" I nod. "Yes, it is a symbol of an engagement or of the moment you propose to your love. She can remember the moment with a pin charm. That one, sir?" I nod again and he takes it out of the glass case shelf. He sets the pin charm next to the bracelet and necklace. "Would you like a charm on this bracelet, sir?" 

"Uh, a stupid question I have to ask. Is there a way to make it jingle when I'm close by or when we share special moments together? Maybe. Or both. Can it be done?" 

"It can be done both ways. That will be a fabulous bracelet you'll be giving to your love. Anything else for you, Mister Malfoy?" 

"An engagement ring, sir." Master Holden points to a glass case shelf on the other side of the shop. I quickly walk over to the glass case and examine the rings. I want the perfect one for my Star, and she will adore it. Finally, I saw the ring; a oval shaped purple dragon's breath opal ring (*Will post the pic of it on the christmas day chapter). "Is it a recent collection, Sir.?" 

"No, Mr. Malfoy. It is a vintage ring from the 1920's. Do you prefer that ring, Mr. Malfoy?"

"I want that one, yes.  And a spell to make it come off on a certain day?" Master nods "June 5th is the date." Master Holden writes it down and I tell him I need one more. "I need earrings." I find the earring case and found perfect set for Mother. White Diamond and about 10k together. "These white diamond earrings, please." 

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