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        Grimmauld Place: 

Draco and Star in the bedroom that she's been living in since the incident with Father. 

   "I think you're afraid, love." 

    "Afraid? Afraid of what?" 

   "Afraid that if we try to have another child, father will come and kill us again." 

  "No, darling. What makes you think so?" 

 "You never have sex with me! It's been three months since it happened. You don't know how long it has been since we've done it and I want to please you, love." 

 "I know you do, dear. I was about to tell you that---"   

"Love, it's alright to hide these feelings and you don't have to be afraid because I am here for you, wife. Forever." 

"You know how to make me feel wonderful, Drake. What I was gonna say is, the reason we haven't had sex is because I'm pregnant. 3 Months pregnant, Beast." 

"When--you gonna tell me?"

"I have been, but you never hear it or listen to me. Draco, I love you very much."

He was silent and didn't respond back to his wife. 

"Draco, what's the matter?" Star was worried for her husband. 

"It's--it's--just forget about it. I do not think we could continue this marriage with all the lies you have been telling me! Bloody hell Star! You thought hiding being pregnant would be okay after what Father did to you!" 

Star raise her wand and shouted "Impedimenta"  which send Draco floating high above the celling, with his arms and legs spread out in the air, while Star laughs sadly. 

"If you think I am going to let you divorce me just because I didn't tell you about being pregnant, well it's all because you don't listen to your wife! You--you--are so daft, you know that!? Never really listen to what I have to say and bloody hell, Draco, I thought you were gonna be happy about us having another baby!" Tears were down her face and couldn't see clearly. "If you want to divorce me, fine. I'll agree." Star lifts the impediment jinx off her husband and he falls to the ground. 

         ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ 

At Lucius' Trail: 

   "Please send Lucius Malfoy in!" Kingsley spoke loudly. 

They strap Father in a chair and Kingsley asked questions to father about using "crucio" curse on Star. He asked the audience if they would like to say something or the family wanted to. Narcissa said a few things, Draco didn't bother even looking in his father's direction. Star stood up, already crying. 

"Send me to Azkaban, Kingsley! Please!" 

"Star!" Mother and Draco whispered.  


"I started it with my father and he blew up. I made him crucio me and I deserve to go to Azkaban. Please!" Star was crying loudly and she saw Kingsley's eyes look her way, sad eyes. 

"Someone send Mrs. Star Malfoy to my office, please. And send Mr. Lucius in a back room until tomorrow morning. Dismissed!" Kingsley left his chair and went to a back room with Star following him, while her family stared at her back. 

Once alone with Kingsley in his office, sat in the chair in front of his desk, while he sits behind it. 

"What has happened? You want to go rot in Azkaban? Tell me." 

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