Wedding Day

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May 10th 1997:

              It's been three months since we officially did it and a week after the ball I throw up constantly everyday. We knew I was carrying a child, and Draco owled Mother about me being sick with a fetus now. Oh, Draco! Now, I am almost three months pregnant with the child and I have grown in height  through to the stomach. I stopped showing up in classes two months ago, as McGonagall suggested back in February that I should do once I started showing. Draco has been giving me my homework from all my classes and I would work on them in the common room at my desk by the fire. Some nights I am up so late, that the next morning, I eat breakfast in our living area by the fireplace.Theo tries to visit us as much as he could without anyone from Slytherin knowing where he was going. Draco had asked him to be his best man at our wedding and I could not ask any girl to be my maid of honor. I had no Slytherin girlfriends, excludes Pansy first off that list and Theo says that If I have friends I should invite them. I said that I didn't have any friends. I hope he did not know something he should not have known about, yet, he isn't spilling all my secrets to everyone in our house. 

It will be four weeks until we marry at The Manor on our seventeenth birthday. Draco has his best man yet, I didn't have a maid of honor to go with the best man. I cried to Theo one day while Draco was away in the castle somewhere about how I won't find a girl to be there with me. He assured me that I will be able to find  girl to stand by my side during the wedding. I couldn't ask my good friends than it would make You-Know-Who capture them much easier than fighting against them. They wouldn't survive within a minute without my family trying to kill my friends. I had to ask a Slytherin girl but, than she would know I was marrying my brother. Gosh, why did I have to get the dark side and it shouldn't be that way at all. Once the child comes, we can't do all those that we do for The Dark Lord. It won't be healthy like it hasn't been for Draco all these years putting up with Father. I am very glad he wasn't gonna be at the wedding. I told my friends the other day that I was happy Lucius would not be there and yet I was sad because he wasn't gonna give away his daughter. Ron complained that why should my father give me away if I was only marrying Draco who is his son. I agreed that I shouldn't worry about my father being there with us. Who knows if Mother would handle being alone the whole time during the wedding. 

"Wouldn't she be alone without him there?" Hermione asks under the cloak in my common room. 

Harry and Ron were both under the invisibility cloak with her as we sat around the fireplace. Their feet were sticking out of the cloak to keep the feet warm before they head back to Gryffindor tower. No one else was in my common room, it was us alone and no one to ruin our friendship by throwing rumors around the castle. 

"I am not sure, really. I heard from my house elf that while Draco and I have been away here, she doesn't eat or do anything around the house. He was worried for her and I know he means well for what he does for us." I answer Mione's question as I watch Ron fidget with his feet. 

"He must love his job, does he?" Hermione was always thinking about the freedom of house elves and I don't blame her. Sometimes, I wish they were free like Dobby is right now. But, Father won't let them go, so I have no choice in to ask them of fetching things for us.

"Yeah, he does. Don't worry, Mione, I am always nice to him and the others. Watch." I knew they were watching me. "Smalls!" I cry out for him and within a second he pops in front of me. 

"Yes, Miss Malfoy?" Small smiles at me and I hug him. 

"Smalls, you don't mind getting something from my old room." He shakes his head. "There is a photo album that is kept in my chest. You know, the one at the end of my bed. And bring that, please." He nods as he apparates away. 

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