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         I found out I was pregnant last week and Draco was very happy to have more children. Today, we were going to the Ministry of Magic and talk with Kingsley. My scars hadn't healed much since Father tried to kill us. I didn't care if people stared at me because of the scars on my face. Bloody hell, I could curse them if I wanted to. Draco, Mother, Harry and I head over to Kingsley's office to explain everything that happened when Father lied to us about trying to kill us last week. 

   We walk into his office, there he was sitting behind his desk and he stands to greet us. 

"Kingsley." I ran over to him and gave him a hug. 

"Star, how are you?" He asked me, smiling. 

"I am well, Kingsley. Thank you." 

I sat next to Harry in a chair in front of Kingsley's desk, Draco standing behind me and Mother stood next to Draco. 

"Harry has told me what happened and Lucius is now in our cells behind the hearing room." 

"Yes, Kingsley. The children had only written me that he saw them. Once I came here, Mr. Potter told me that Lucius lied about everything." 

"Mother, we can speak for ourselves." Draco angrily tells Mother. 

"Star, Draco?" Kingsley asks. 

I tell Kingsley everything from the beginning until Harry, Ron and Neville took Father away to the Ministry. He agrees from what Harry had told him from the truth potion that they had given him once they arrived here. My mother coming over to talk about Father, Harry didn't lie to her and I was bloody glad he did because it made my mother realize the truth of my Father. I honestly felt bad for her, though he had must have lied to her many times being married. Harry spoke to clear everything what was covered later. Mother did not say much though she agreed to what we were all saying. 

"Very well, done. It is time to go into the hearing. Mrs. Black, you have the children I presume." 

"Yes, Kingsley. I can not think what the verdict would been even if I already know the truth. I can't keep the children waiting." Mother turns to us. "I'll be home, children." She left the room. 

"Before we continue, which of the two of you is likely to become outraged during the hearing?" Kingsley asked Draco and I. 

"Mostly Draco has been outraged with all that has happened, Kingsley." 

"Star, you know I can handle myself." 

"Dear, you throw things in the house since last week. It is best if you wait outside the hearing."

"You win." He mumbles for my ears only. 

We left Kingsley's office, head to the hearing room and once we got there, Draco sat on a bench by the door. I felt bad and bloody hell I also felt sick. Maybe I shouldn't go in with Harry. 

"I do not feel like going in, Kingsley. It's already too much for me. All I know I might run off during it all." I had tears coming down my face. 

Harry pulled me away from the doors, he nodded to Kingsley to let him handle this and he left inside the hearing room. 

"Star, come on, you have to do this. Your Mother can not, Draco will be outraged and you are the only one who could help during this hearing. Bloody hell, you became a Gryffindor in 6th year. You're brave, Star. You shouldn't be scared anymore." Harry's word were true. I wasn't a scared Slytherin anymore. I was a Gryffindor. 

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