Chapter 4: Pierre Knight

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It was a rainy and very cold night. Aurora was crying cause of the cold weather. The only thing that could keep us a bit dry was the bus stop that has a little roof. I took off my night robe and wrapped Aurora with it.

"I'm sorry, baby girl." I cried as I hugged her.

Elena was in Spain with her boyfriend, and apparently, they met on Tinder. That girl is insane. So going to her house was impossible.

Two hours passed, and it was still pouring like crazy. A black car stopped in front of the bus stop and opened the door.

"Get inside."

I remember that face. It was the handsome man from the bakery.

"I- don't know you."

"Please get in the car, your baby will get sick in this weather and so will you." His accent was thick, but it was understandable.

Normally, I wouldn't get in a car with a stranger, but my baby's safety comes first. I got in the car and was shivering. Luckily, the seats were warm.

"Take off your shirt. It's wet, and you'll catch a cold."

I sighed he was right. He grabbed Aurora and handed me his jacket. Aurora snuggled to him and kept sleeping.

"She doesn't like strangers. I'm surprised she's sleeping peacefully in your arms."

"I'm good with kids." He replied as he handed me back Aurora.

"Thank you." I wiped my tears. "Why are you nice towards us?"

"I'm just a nice guy, and I didn't want you two catching a bad cold or worse. I have a five year old niece, and I wouldn't want her to be experiencing what you both just did."


He just nodded.

"Where are you taking us?"

"My house." He said simply while his focus was on the road. "I assume that asshole threw you out."

I nodded. "He didn't even care about his daughter. He wants to divorce me to get back with his high-school sweetheart."

"You have no idea what a blessing that is. He's toxic, and things could've excaleted to worst. You're better off without him."

"You're right." I said as I hugged my daughter. "I'm Imogen."



We arrived at his villa. This place was insanely huge. He showed me my room.

"In the morning, we will talk better." He told me.

I nodded and thanked him again. He closed the door and I laid Aurora on the bed, she was still sleeping, but she pooped and I don't have any diapers. I left her sleeping and knocked on the door he told me was his room.

"It's open."

I opened the door and entered his room. Wow, very luxurious. "I don't have any diapers, and my daughter needs one asap." I said sheepishly.

"My niece room has pretty much everything. I'll take you to her room."

It was just a few doors away. We entered, and it was a cute room.

"She doesn't live here anymore, but they sometimes come and spend the afternoon, and she takes her nap here." He explained, and I just nodded.

"Thank you." I said as he passed me the diapers.

"You're welcome. Just FYI, my niece is potty trained. These diapers were just left, and I forgot about them."

I chuckled at his words.

"Tomorrow morning I'll send someone to buy new diapers. Just for tonight, this will have to do."

"Thank you, you saved us." I smiled.


The next morning, I was woken up by a knock on my door. I went to open it and it was a maid, she brought me, diapers and everything baby in it. I thanked her, and she nodded.

After my daily routine with Aurora, we went downstairs. I was surprised to see a high chair in the kitchen. But then I remembered his niece.

"Good morning, Imogen." Oh, that raspy voice that sends shiver down my spine.

"Good morning, Pierre."

"Grace has already prepared a banana puree for her, I hope that's okay." He told me.

"Of course, she actually loves that." I smiled.

I put Aurora in the highchair and then placed the purée on the table. She grabbed the purée and started to eat in her own way. Everything was going well and smooth, until...

"Oh no!" I pressed my lips so I wouldn't laugh.

Aurora threw banana purée on his shirt, and some even got on his face. I looked at Grace, and she covered her mouth so she wouldn't laugh.

"Uhm, I have laundry to do." She made a run.

"I'm so sorry." A chuckle escaped my mouth.

"I rather use a tie, but banana purée might just work too." He said as he removed purée from his face and shirt.

I grabbed a napkin and started to clean his shirt. Damn, I just realized that I'm practically touching his abs.

"Sorry, I'll make sure to leave the house soon."

He approached me. "Why would you leave? This is nothing compared to what my niece Alice did to me. That little terror would throw my ties and shirts in the toilet."

I laughed. "Thanks, Pierre. You've made me forget the horrible night I had."

"My pleasure. You deserve better."

"Thanks. I need to find a job, though, and then an apartment I can rent." I sighed.

"My villa is big enough. You can stay here for as long as you want. Besides, I think Aurora likes it here already, right, little one." He said as he picked her up she squished his cheeks. I chuckled.

"Alright, we'll stay. Just make sure to tell your girlfriend. I don't want any more drama."

He just smiled. "What makes you think I have a girl in my life?"

"Well, you're good-looking, kind."

"I don't have a girl in my life. I'm very picky, all girls I've met just like me for my money. I want someone who will laugh at my bad jokes, someone I can talk to for hours, and still want to be around her."

That voice, his accent.. ugh, what's wrong with me? I'm still married, and yet I'm here drooling over a handsome French man.

"Whoever ends up with you will be lucky."

He just smiled.

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