Chapter 9: I Want To See Her

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The next day, I got ready and went to Pierre's bedroom to see if he was ready. His door was ajar, so I entered, figured he was ready. But to my surprise.. he came out of the bathroom in his full glory.

I turned around, and my cheeks were getting red by the second. "I thought you were ready. I'm sorry."

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me impossible closer to him. I could feel his erection rising against my ass. "I wasn't expecting an audience."

"I should've knocked, sorry."

He turned me around and kissed me with so much hunger. At this point, I didn't mind that he was naked. I just wanted to be in his arms.

"Get out of my room, before I strip you down and fuck you on my bed." He said against my ear. His raspy voice has me weak.

Well, I need need change my panties. I pecked his lips and then went to change my panties.


Pierre and I sat in front of Miles. He was surprised that I showed up with Pierre.

"Alright, I'm here. Talk fast, I have a daughter to get back to."

"About Aurora, I want to see her."

I laughed humorless. "Really? Because you didn't want to see her when we were together nor the night you threw us out!"

"I made a mistake, and trust me, I regret it. I'm ashamed for the shit that went down that night." He sighed. "But I want to see her. I've missed her."

"Did Reese give you an ultimatum? Sort of like, if you don't make things right, I'll leave you. So now you just want to see Aurora because of that, and not because you actually care." I was furious, I wanted to punch him so hard.

"She didn't give me an ultimatum. She just made me realize how big off an ass I've been to you and our daughter."

"Mine, Aurora is just mine."

"Please, just let me see her. I'm not even threatening you with going to court for the full custody, I know I lost that right, I just want to see her." He was sweating like crazy.

I furrowed my brows, "Miles, are you okay?"

"Yeah, just a little chest pain. A-and my arm hurts a bit, I'll be fine." He was panting.

"Shit, he's having a heart attack." Pierre told me.

I called an ambulance, and they arrived immediately. I informed Allan and Jake about what just happened. Now we're at the hospital waiting for updates. I have no business in being here, I guess I'm feeling guilty cause maybe I caused it.

"What if I caused this?" I whispered to Pierre.

"You didn't. Maybe he has a heart condition, and everything was just too much for his heart to handle." He said before placing a kiss on my cheek.

Pierre always knows what to say to make me feel better. I feel so safe in his arms.

"The past few months, he has been so stressed. I had to force him to eat, and then one night,he suffered a mild heart attack. It scared me that I could lose him." Reese informed us.

"Sorry you went through that. He may not be my favorite person, but I would never wish for something bad to happen to him." I said sincerely.

"I was going to tell him today that -" She pressed her lips together. "Never mind."

"You're pregnant."

She nodded sheepishly. "Sorry."

"No need to apologize. When he wakes up, tell him the good news."

She just nodded.

A few hours later, the doctor told us he's stable. After hearing that, Pierre and I left the hospital. Well, almost. Halfway through the parking lot, Alan called and told me that Miles was mumbling Aurora's name in his sleep.

"Now what?" I asked Pierre after hanging up.

"That's up to you, Imogen."

I sighed. "Alan asked me if I could please bring Aurora tomorrow."

"Are you here to laugh at my brother?" Cristal, his other annoying sister, said.

She's 20 and lives in Arizona. I keep forgetting she exists. She's barely around. Only when she needs money or there's a family emergency.

"Unlike you, I don't make fun of people. I came to see if he was okay." I rolled my eyes at her.

She eyed Pierre and gave him a flirty smile. "Is this handsome man your boss, are you his maid?"

I was going to answer her, but Pierre beat me to it. "No, she's not my maid. She's my woman. The sexiest woman alive."He pulled me to him and crashed his lips against mine.

I'm left in a daze. This man can kiss me all day. He makes me want to jump him.

"Gross, she's ugly. When you get tired, call me. You need a supermodel in your life. She doesn't fit with you." She smiled sweetly at him.

"No, thank you, I like them curvy. Imogen is everything I want in a woman. And like I said before, she's the sexiest woman on earth." He caressed my face. I blushed and smiled at his words.

Cristal stormed off, and we laughed. I swear that family is crazy. Except for Alan and Jake.

"So, I'm your woman."

"Yes, you're mine. I'm very possesive." He whispered against my ear. "Now let's go home, because I'm this close to fucking you in the car."

I chuckled. "My horn dog." I pecked his lips and then we got in the car and went home.

I'm not sure what to do about Miles wanting to see, Aurora. Pierre was neutral, Elena will say no. I'm confused.

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