Twelve \\ Rebuilt

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You'd explained to Leo why you had sent him through the portal. You'd explained to him the various universes you'd ended up in. You'd explained how you'd met Casey. You explained until your argument. Then waited for questions.

"So... you sent me home because you were scared?" Leo questions, taking another bite of a pizza slice. Casey was still staring blankly at his, examining it, questioning its contents.

"I sent you home because I was scared for you. If you had stayed, maybe we wouldn't have made it back here. Maybe we'd still be wandering around the multiverse trying to find your home."

You take a sip of the water Donnie had happily supplied you from the pizza place. Sighing when you were done. No more lies.

"I was scared you wouldn't love me. No matter how much you tell me you always will."

You take a bite of your pizza, and feel as eyes stare at you. It was time to come clean to them, all of them. Especially Leo.

"I'm sorry I've broken your trust. I know better than anyone that it's hard to earn back. I'm willing to give us another try. But I think I need some time so I don't hurt you any more than I already have."

You look around at everyone. Casey, Tanya. April and Splints. Donnie, Raph, and Mikey. A silent promise to get better.

"Any of you."

Leo nods, giving you a small smile.

"I'll be waiting."

Your heart aches at the admission. You want him back so badly now. But you knew even if he wasn't there to hold you, you would sleep easier knowing he was okay. That he was, in fact, getting better.

And that you were getting better too.

You look over at Casey, smiling fondly at him.

"You gonna eat the pizza or keep inspecting it like it's poisoned?"

"This.. This is grabbing a slice?"

You nod, smiling a little as Mikey mumbles 'wait for it' beside you. Watching as Casey Jones takes his first bite of pizza.

He practically melts as he chews on the greasy slice. He hums in ecstasy and mumbles around the piece.

"So much better than rats."

Laughter fills your ears as you look after Leo. Walking towards the edge of the building with a piece of pizza in his hand.

"April..." Casey says, looking down at a notification on her phone. "You've got a message from someone named Cassandra...?"

April takes the phone and grins.

"Woah... looks like our friend Cassandra's been busy!"

She turns the phone around and Casey starts coughing, hitting his chest with his fist, when he's done he looks buggy-eyed at the device.

"That's my mom!"

Donnie's eyes go wide and he sighs in disappointment.

"There goes the space time continuum."

You let out a chuckle, gaze finding its way to Leo and Raph.

"This wasn't about me." Leo says, looking back at you, giving you a small smile, unknowing to anyone else. Your stomach gives off weak butterflies at the statement as he looks back over the city before him. "It was about all of us doing what needed to be done, because we're heroes."

Raph chuckles, holding up his slice of pizza.

"You said 'heroes'."

Leo lets out a defeated, yet fond sigh, and clinks his pizza slice with his brothers. Taking a bite of it.

"There it is y'all. Our home." Tanya says, grinning out at the scene, taking Raph's hand in hers. Placing her head on his arm. He lets out a light chuckle, taking the arm from her and his significant other into his side.

Those two were good for each other. You were happy you decided to tell Tanya about them, to tell them about Tanya. To introduce her to the world you loved and to watch as she slotted right into place.

"What a town." You say, grinning as she lets out a light chuckle.

"And if it needs defending, we'll always rise to the challenge."

You hear Raph let out a dark chuckle, releasing Tanya as she grins at him mischievously.

"Speaking of which, you know which challenge I'm gonna rise to?"

He grins at Leo and shoves him a little, sprinting away.

"Beating that record!"

You watch as Leo spouts out a few objections before eventually giving in, cheering for his brother as the game begins. They're all grinning, happy, and content.

You were happy.

Everything would be alright.

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