Chapter 1: What is a Hero?

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TW: mentioned death
Please let me know if I missed any

Tommy stomped down the sidewalk, shoving his hands in his pockets as he got further away. He focused on kicking a rock down the sidewalk as he went.

Why did they see it fit to punish him? Why did he need to be punished?

"Well someone's having a rough day." Someone said from his right.

"Sorry, do I know you?" The blond asked, squinting hard at the dark figure.

They flashed their bright white teeth. "Probably not, I live on the Border, but I work here."

"The Edge eh? How's it over there?" The young hero asked the edge dweller.

The Enderian, Tommy just realized, shrugged. "Not terrible. The wages here are enough to pay rent and have food at my apartment. Isn't that exciting?" They said cheerfully.

Tommy looked him up and down, they couldn't be more than 2 years older than the blond. "Don't you have a family? Someone who could keep you on your feet?"

The dark haired teen blinked slowly. "No? I don't have a family, it's just me and me. Is there something wrong with that?" Their green eyes narrowed

"No, I'm just worried." The avi-coon said, hands up.

The ender looked him up and down with scrutiny. "What about you? Do you have a family? Some sort of great purpose?" He asked, flicking his tail lazily.

Tommy drew himself up. "As a matter of fact, I do. I'm a hero in training under the SBI and maybe someday I'll be saving your ass."

The enderian laughed jovially. "I thank you, but at the moment my ass doesn't need saving. You're a confident one, aren't you?" He side eyed the blond, almost sizing him up. "New recruit? How long have you been at it? Two weeks?"

Tommy's wings fluffed up in bafflement. "No! I've been training for months, and they said they'd let me on the field soon."

"Oh, goodie, a new ensign on the field, do me a huge favor-" his green eyes pierced through Tommy's blue ones. "-don't blow anything up your first patrol."

Tommy's eyes darted away from the ender's gaze, "I ought to get going now."

"Ranboo." He said, holding out a hand. Tommy shook it, taking note of the odd discoloration. "Tommy."

The ender nodded, took his hand back, and warped out of existence.

That was a rather odd walk.

● ● ●

It wasn’t his only weird run in either! Later that week, he was tasked with a coffee run.

The door chimed when the blond stepped in. "Welcome to the Rose Café, what can I do for y- Tommy?" The enderian from earlier that week stared at him, and then at his list. "Are you on a coffee run?" He asked with amusement.

"Wh- no." He sputtered, "I just drink a lot of coffee."

"How do you want to do this Equi boy? Hand me the list, or read it out." He said, resting his forearms on the counter, that was significantly higher than most counters, but also still too short for him.

"Alright Edgebitch," the avi-coon's wings puffed up at the challenge. "First is three shots of espresso."

"In what?" Ranboo asked skeptically.

Tommy looked down on the list. "That's all it says."

The enderian whistled and picked up a cup. "Heros are insane." They muttered as they wrote. "Next?"

"Black coffee with Chai, and just black coffee."

"Black coffee. With Chai. As in the tea."


"Alright, go wait over there, or don't." He pointed to the barstools to the right.

Five minutes later, while Tommy was scrolling through Twitter, Ranboo called. "Three doses of death for Tommy."

Tommy walked up to the counter lazily, "You're a dickhead, you know that?"

"Hmmmm, I'll see you later Tommy." The ender said lazily, going to help the next customer.

Tommy wishes he wouldn't see him again.

Author's note: there is a reason why I interviewed a trainee.

Okay, Wattpad feels real dead atm, or maybe the Fandom is dying, I couldn't tell you, but here is your daily dose of Dsmp

Have a great day/night my friends!💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

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