Chapter 2: What Is a Villain?

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TW: PTSD, violence,
Please let me know if I missed any

Far from the Inbound, and the Equidistant, lies the Farlands, the farlands are still considered part of the sovereign realm of Live, but many Equi's don't accociate with Farlanders. For they have their heads too far in the clouds.

Or maybe they just don't want to acknowledge the people who make them who they are. The people who suffer, and die John Does.

Not everyone suffers the same way though.

A young brunette walks down the street, his satyr hooves clacking on the pavement, the cross body bag he carries bumping against his body in time with his steps. This was where he lived, in the crime riddled Farlands.

The boy, not older than 17 walked the streets without fear, knowing he was the most dangerous thing out here.

Tubbo had just caught the train home, stepping up to his house. He lives with a man named Schlatt, there is always news about Schlatt, about all the things he's done, and all the people he's killed. But that doesn't matter to Tubbo, it never did, and never will.

The man greeted the kid as he stepped into the living room. His horns and floppy ears a small resemblance of the man he called Father. Schlatt probably wasn't the greatest Father, but he was Tubbo's, and for that the brunette could see no wrong. For the man he called Father was kind to him, when no one else had ever been.

"How was your day?" He asked.

"Alright." It never changed. The odd looks, the double takes, and the little kids that point.

There is not another bee-saytr in all of Live. And it shows. Even when he'll tuck his wings into his bomber, and flatten his antennas, he feels the open hostility in the air, like methane gas. Every word he says adds a bit more kerosene to the puddle surrounding him.

The Equidistant was a bit lighter, but Tubbo was a villan's child, even if no one knows that, the tension doesn't dissipate.

The man stood up, and took a swig from a bottle. "Would you like to accompany me tonight?"

The brunette perked up, "What are you doing tonight?" He asked.

Schlatt smiled wickedly. "I think, it's time for the debute of Toxin."

Tubbo smiled, and stood up a little taller. He'd be great, after all, that's what he was made for. Great things.

He quickly dressed in his gear after supper, and flipped his goggles down with a smile. Schlatt, or JayV, grinned with a bottle at hand, unrolling a piece of paper. "We'll stick closer to the border for most of this. I know you're built to kill, but it's best to be safe than sorry."

The voice modulator felt weird, but it was exhilarating none the less. Tubbo was armed with a dart gun, and a daggar. That's all he needs.

Schlatt took a bottle from the rack, and smashed it on the ground. The scent made Tubbo's head spin, and his focus blurred. He blinked away the dizzy spell to find he was standing in an alley, JayV was already climbing onto the rooftops. Toxin followed, his wings snapping open.

Apparently his mentor found something that piqued his interest. "Change of plans, let's go mess with Heros. There's a new HIT on the field."

Tubbo nodded, swallowing his nerves. JayV has gone up against some of the strongest heros and come out victorious in Tubbo's opinion. Though he says the fight isn't over till the opponent isn't moving.

The heros were further than usual, in the space between the Edge and the Inbound. Probably making the HIT go through a real "challenge". Tubbo grinned, he could feel energy thrumming through his veins, the steady constant in his life.

JayV stepped into their field of vision with a sick smile. "I see you've got a new Hero In Training to play with." He cocked his head. "How long do you reckon he'll last?"

"The affairs of the Hero Agency isn't any of your concern." Ghostbur said coldly. According to the news outlets, he is actually dead, he died at 22, and his ghost continued his work just as effectively. Tubbo doesn't know what his former Hero name was.

"Oh please, the affairs of the Hero Agency are everywhere. But we aren't here to talk about news." JayV smiled again. "We're here to see your little toy be broken, to watch him buckle under the pressure."

Peregrine stepped up with his arm infront of the HIT. "We aren't letting you fight Theseus."

Schlatt raised an eyebrow. "Oh? So he's got a name. A hero name." He kept down smoothly. "Tell me, Theseus, do you think you're strong enough to be a hero. Think being a hero is easy?" JayV leered.

"I don't know your fucking name, but yes, I'm confident I'm my ability."

"Then fight Toxin."

"Toxin?" Metus asked.

Tubbo stepped out to meet the heros' gazes, holding his head high.

The first thing they noticed was what he was, to which Peregrine shouted. "Did you abduct a Beeling and try to make him a Saytr?" He reached out to Tubbo. "Are you alright?"

The brunette jerked away, Peregrine's hand fell to his side. "I'm perfectly fine." He snapped, the modulator warping his voice beyond recognition.

The Spirit asked why? Why would he do this?

"Because, not everyone's life is roses and love. But I'll save you the sob story, do you want you're little toy to get some practice with someone he may go up against in the future?"

Before any of them said anything, Theseus charged with a shout. The brunette simply sidestepped with a tut. "We aren't aiming to kill each other, I'll have you know. Or do you already know this dance?"

The blond's scream was the only response the villan got. He had shot out a long metal staff that Tubbo blocked with a grin. He pushed back easily with his daggar, he twisted around and kicked the blond square in the chest, knocking hin flat on his ass.

He went to grab the blond's wrist, but a small change in vibrations, so small he needed to concentrate on it, made him pause for a second. His hand closed around a metal staff. He looked up, expecting Theseus to be at the other end, but instead, there was a tall enderian, weilding the staff Theseus previously had. The enderian was half white, with a searing red eye. He shrieked and twisted the staff, knocking Tubbo's hand off.

Tubbo grinned, and took hold of his daggar again, parrying the enderian, blow for blow. They were both strong, they were both unnatural. His opponent was tall, but moved fluidly with amazing flexibility and strength.

The enderian held a double sided battle axe that he spun like a baton, they fought with matching strength, every time the enderian would sweep under, Tubbo would fly over and meet him on the other side. Every time Tubbo jabbed, the enderian dodged. It was like a deadly dance they might've done thousands of times, or a game of tag with laughter.

At some point Toxin got the enderian pinned under his daggar. "What's your name?" He said with a grin.

"ERROR." He smiled, and then Tubbo felt the faint warp of vibrations in his antennas. Error started dematerializing, but not like normal enderians do. He almost started glitching, green and red particles appeared along with the red ones. He appeared behind Tubbo, just fast enough to kick him to he ground.

He bought his own weapon, a baton, down next to Toxin's throat. Toxin could only grin. "You son of a bitch."

Error grinned and stepped away, "I'll take it I'll see more of you, Toxin." He said, with a wave of his hand, he drew fire to the ends of his baton, spinning it like he did the staff. He tossed it in the air, caught it, and dematerialized in the wierd way he does.


This would've been done last night, but my keyboard was glitching on my phone.

Vigilante ERROR enters the stage.

Have a great day/night my friends! 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

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