Chapter 8: Keeping our guard up

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TW: PTSD, panic attack (but full shutdown)
Please let me know if I missed any

Tubbo glanced around, taking in the horrific surroundings whilst ERROR regained their consciousness. The vigilante snapped back like elastic, far too quickly.

They stood up, wobbling and shaking, but standing up all the same. Catching sight of wherever they were, the ender-ghast's pupils shrunk to slits, and his face turned ashy, and horror struck. Tubbo really thought they were going to collapse again, with the amount they were trembling.

The two of them stood in the burned, broken remains of, something. Obviously made of metal. Small shards of glass were still here, but the place looked long dead, Nature slowly beginning to reclaim what was it's domain.

Rusty steel plates, and peeling orange paint jutted out of the ground everywhere. The saytr-bee followed the enderian's terror filled gaze to a very broken, yet still recognizable, capsule. The look on the vigilante's face probably a replica of his own.

"Oh." He whispered, his eyes tracing the jagged edges where it had broke, parts of it that were melted smooth. A little ways away, there was something he, unfortunately, recognized.

It was broken, edges of it were burned, yet that didn't discredit what it was, especially with the still very intact metal prongs.

The villan looked at ERROR, pieces slowly falling into place. Ender-ghast, it was so rare. Satyr-bee, one in the same. The way their teleportation glitched, or their fire that glowed unnaturally.



Not quite whole.

Not quite right.

Unstable, glitched, ERROR.

Weapon, not made for peace.

The vigilante produced a bright white fireball, and threw it angrily at the not quite destroyed glass. Early morning tinged the smoke a familiar green.


ERROR shuttered, and began walking away. Tubbo followed them quickly, but the vigilante seemed to not notice him, as they walked into a forest, and put their hand against a tree, leaning heavily on it. Their claws dug in, and ran down the tree as they sunk, finally collapsing the way Tubbo expected them to with each passing minute since they regained consciousness.

The saytr-bee looked at the vigilante, crumpled on the ground, eyes unseeing, empty, dead. He made quick work of sitting across from them. Eyes trailing, taking in each scar and burn in the daylight.

The ender-ghast's arms were wrapped around them like a constricting hug. The villan sighed, he can't believe he's about to do this, but something in ERROR's posture, and blank eyes, is too close to home, a shade too similar to Tubbo's own.

"I'm so sorry." He said softly, "What happened to you?"

ERROR's dead eyes turned fearful as they looked at the brunette. They warbled, even that sounded odd, wrong. It had a whispering undertone that normal Enderians don't have.

"Were you kept in that capsule? With that collar?" Tubbo's eyes searched their neck, and sure enough, two, faint, burns were found on fhe side of their neck.

Like clockwork, Error reached a hand up, and ghosted over them. The villan subconsciously touched his wrists, which didn't go unnoticed, as the vigilante followed, most likely seeing the scar where his skin was rubbed raw, and two burns near identical to the vigilante's, lied.

ERROR's eyes softened, and they warbled again, slumping against the tree, and closing their eyes. Tubbo sighed, and lied down on the grass. It was hauntingly beautiful, how such a magnificent forest bordered the most horrible thing ever.

A Labratory to create Living Weapons


Oh yeah, I've effectively fucked this plot up, but I'll keep going and hope it'll flatten itself out.

Have a great day/night my friends!💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

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