Chapter 9: Oh no, they care

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TW: PTSD, blood, scars, violence disassociation (ish, hinted DID
Please let me know if I missed any

If they had it their way, vigilante ERROR would've never seen this place. This was just Ranboo's memories, it shouldn't have bled into ERROR'S.

So he sat under a tree, utterly defeated, and tired beyond anything. Their head hurt, and their whole body trembled. He glanced warily at where Toxin lay, several paces away, asleep.

The silence stood heavy, as thick as fog, and the day went on. Ranboo would not rest easy, he never did. Sleep was never something they saw as necessary, so they didn't sleep. They sat against the tree, watching the small figure in front of him sleep.

Toxin's ears flicked, and every so often he'd shutter in his fitful sleep. His mask slightly lopsided. Ranboo reached out with his right hand, to fix up the mask. He would not take advantage of another's vulnerability, not in a situation like this. The saytr-bee shivered with the cold that came from the ender's right hand.

Ranboo shuttered in return, because this was wrong, it was wrong. Error had bled into Ranboo, and it's all just wrong. Error doesn't care, and would've turned the boy in.

But Ranboo can only see himself in Toxin.



And utterly alone.

And it was wrong, it was so wrong, but Ranboo reached out, and lifted the boy up. They may as well get away from the place, who knows what leftover radiation leeched into the air.

The enderian reached out, and with a pop, the two blinked out of existence. They reappeared just a few yards further, stumbling as their feet were met with nothing but air.

Somehow, Error managed to catch Toxin. And they began a long trek back.

● ● ●

It was night by the time they saw the lights of the city. Ranboo woke Toxin once they reached the outskirts. Not a word was said between them, and ERROR teleported away.

It was a pretty uneventful night. Patrol here, check there, stop a robbery, get shanked in the ribs...

Yeah, the heros caught them again. They don't understand why the sudden interest, but it was mostly Theseus chasing them down, eventually shanking them in the ribs.

Error gasped as the knife ripped through the material, and through their skin. Their side was slick with blood as they fought. The stain was growing, and their head became foggy. They fought the urge to teleport as they battled with the hero trainee.

They dodge, and he slashes, they slash, he dodges. "You're better than last time." Error said calmly.

They quickly swept Theseus' legs out from under him, and threw a knife to the side of his head. It cut a piece of his hair off. "Keep trying Theseus." They smirked, their face full and visible.

They teleported shakily.

● ● ●

Ranboo cursed under his breath as he tied over his side. Theseus had knicked him substantially. As in, half stab wound. He quickly disinfected it, and wrapped it, collapsing on the bed for a few fitful hours of not being awake.

Get up, drink the potion, ride the subway, work, come home, eat maybe, dress, patrol, sleep maybe, rinse and repeat.

Ranboo stood on the train, as per usual, his side ached, but Niki was probably worried enough as is.

Or is she? How do you know she wasn't waiting for you to get yourself killed?

She'll drop you eventually. They all will.

"Ranboo?" He was smoothing out his apron when Niki walked in.

"I'm-" the shorter girl hugged him, drawing a wince from the now enderian.

"I was so worried, you didn't tell me, I was half convinced you ended up dead in a ditch."

"I'm sorry." They said, ducking their head, and allowing his worries and paranoia to dissipate in the calm that Niki brings to the Café.

"What happened?" The Café owner asked.

"So I might have almost warped out of existence, and in a panic, dropped myself where I was taught to."

Taught was a stretch, maybe abused, and deeply discouraged to the point of torture would fit better.

"Oh, and the new villan Toxin came along for the ride. And then Theseus shanked me on patrol."

Niki glared at him disapprovingly. "So you had an encounter with Toxin TWO NIGHTS AGO, nearly warped out of existence with him, ended up in the lab ruins, AND STILL DECIDED TO PATROL, AND THEN COME TO WORK!"


The pink haired girl pinched the bridge of her nose. "Have you slept at all?"


"Of course you haven't." She muttered, utterly defeated. "Sleep." She pointed to the staff room, where there is always a cot. "You know I could've taken your area."

Ranboo didn't say anything.

"Alter isn't quite as detached as ERROR, but-"

"You already have so much to do, also I'm serving Tommy."

"Of course you are."

● ● ●

"Ranboo! I have so much to tell you, and where we're you?"

"Getting stabbed in the side. List?"

"WHAT? YOU GOT ST-" Ranboo proceeded to shove a very burnt muffin into the blond's face.

"Shh, yes, I got stabbed in the side, now can I see the list?"

Tommy handed him the list of liquid death. "You are coming with me to deliver drinks."

Ranboo glared at him. "Do you not remember what happened last time?"

"Yeah, but Metus threatened to throw Peregrine off the building, and you have to meet Tubbo."

Ranboo rolled his eyes. "Sure, I'll tag along your coffee run."


Burned out of internet, but apparently writing doesn't count, so writing spree maybe?

How are you guys? I haven't asked for a while.

I know where this story will go. And I hope you stay for the ride.

Have a great day/night my friends! 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

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