The spell

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Upon arriving at the castle.

Hernesto: You really ran away to see that one.

Henry: Yes because I love him and I wanted to be with him, and it wasn't the first time I ran away to go see him.

Hernesto: WHAT?!!!

Flor and Margarita arrive.

Flor: What is happening here?

Hernesto: It turns out that your son escaped from the castle to go see that commoner. - He says it in a derogatory way.

Flor: First, he treats Lucas well and second, it is normal that he ran away to go see him, because you didn't let him see him and he loves him and wants to be with him.

Hernesto: How do you say that?

Margarita: Sorry for intruding, but dad, mom is right, if she didn't let him see him, she was obviously going to run away to go see him, because she loves him.

Hernesto: YOU SHUT UP

Flor: You don't yell at our daughter.

Hernesto: Well, don't let him get involved.

Flower: Calm down now.

Herneto: I won't calm down and Henry, don't see THAT one again.

Henry: But father, I love him and I want to be with him, with the beautiful boy who conquered me, who won my heart.

Hernesto: Henry stops talking about Him like that.

Henry: But dad... - he interrupts - Hernesto: Henry, go to your room and you will only leave there to eat, for the royal business and to go to school, and you will only go to the royal school. - Henry: But dad... - He interrupts him again - Hernesto: Henry, I told you to go to your room.

Henry goes to his room crying.

With the kings.

Flor: You seriously can't let him be happy.

Flor leaves, leaving Hernesto alone.

With Henry.

Henry cries sadly in his room because he will no longer be able to see his love Lucas.

Margarita knocks on the door of her brother's room.

Margarita: I can come in.

Henry: Yes, little sister, you can come in.

Margarita opens the door and enters her brother's room, and finds him crying.

Margarita: There, little brother, I told you to be careful.

Henry: I know. - he says between sobs

Margarita: But tell me what happened.

Henry wipes away his tears.

Henry: My father and Lucas's father found us kissing, in Lucas's room.

Margarita: Aw you were kissing with your boyfriend.

Henry: Yes, with my cute boyfriend.

Margarita: You love him.

Henry: Yes, I love him, he is cute and I like him, I like his eyes, his beautiful face, his pretty lips, I especially like to kiss his pretty lips and caress his soft cheeks.

Margarita: There, brother, you are undoubtedly in love.

Henry: Yes I am, I'm in love, very in love with Lucas.

Margarita: And he loves you.

Henry: Yes, he loves me.

Margarita: Well, if you guys love each other, you fight for him, to be with him and be his boyfriend.

Henry: But my father doesn't allow it, he doesn't even want me to see him, and it won't be so easy for me to escape to go see him.

Margarita: I know, but you know what our father plows, right?

Henry: No.

Margarita: What do you think it will do? Since he would do everything possible to separate you from Lucas.

Henry: I don't know.

Margarita: You really don't know, you can't think of anything.

Henry: Cast a spell on me with an apple.

Margarita: Exactly, you can tell the sorceress that the apple is with the spell of true love.

Henry: Good idea, thanks for the idea.

Margarita: You're welcome, bye brother.

Henry: Bye, little sister.

Margarita leaves her brother's room.

With Henry's parents/the kings, in their room.

Flor: You're really going to ask a sorceress to cast a spell on our son, YOUR son.

A week later.

Sorceress: Hello Prince Henry.

Henry: Save the presentation and introduction, I know what you're coming to, and I ask you to come another day with an apple of true love.

Sorceress: You do know.

Henry: Yes, and you will.

Sorceress: Yes, if I don't you won't eat it.

The sorceress leaves.

The next day, the sorceress arrived again.

Sorceress: Hello.

Henry: Give me the apple now. 

The sorceress gives Henry the apple and Henry bites the apple and falls asleep. And the sorceress leaves. And the king/Henry's parents find him asleep and the apple on the ground. And they placed him on the bed with a bouquet of roses in his hands.

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