Someone hurts Lucas

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Note :When two speak and are from the same kingdom, they will do so in their language. And the English translations of what they say in another language will be in parentheses().


At 6:00 p.m. at dinner.

Lucas adjusts the chair for Henry to sit on.

Henry: Thank you, love.

Someone moves Lucas's chair when he is going to sit down so that he falls.

Lucas falls.

Henry: Love, you're okay. - He says help him get up.

Lucas: If I'm fine, don't worry, love.

Henry: Who was it?

Henry sees some princes who are laughing.

Henry: Which one of you two was it?

One of the princes (Dave): Are you really angry? You know he doesn't belong here, he's a commoner.

Henry: Yes, because he's my boyfriend and if he is, he's a commoner, a cute commoner that I'm in love with. - He says and caresses his boyfriend's cheek and kisses him. - So treat him well.

The Other Prince (Charlie): And if we don't, what?

Henry: Treat him well.

One of the princes goes and hits Lucas.

Henry punches the prince and starts fighting.

Someone is going to tell the kings that Henry and another prince are fighting.

Enrique and the other prince continue fighting.

In the dining room.

A Servant: Your Majesties, Princes Henry and Charlie are fighting.

The emperors: We're going to see.

The emperors, Alberto and Emily, go to see what is happening and find Henry and Charlie fighting.

Alberto and Emily: What is happening here?

Henry and Charlie stop fighting.

Alberto: Princes, have dinner and then we'll talk.

The kings leave and the princes sit down to eat.

After dinner, with the kings, Alberto and Emily, Charlie, Henry and Lucas.

Alberto: There is someone else involved.

Henry: Yes.

Alberto: Who?

Henry: Prince Dave.

Alberto sends for Prince Dave.

Meanwhile in another place, in a room in the castle, with Prince John and his father.

Kendrick (Dave's father): Cha robh gnothach sam bith agad ris an t-sabaid eadar am prionnsa Charlie agus prionnsa Henry? (Did you have nothing to do with the fight between Princes Charlie and Henry?)

Dave: Carson a tha thu a' faighneachd, Dad? (Why do you ask, Dad?)

Kendrick: Leis gu bheil mi eòlach ort 's e sin as coireach gu bheil mi a' faighneachd dhut a mhic, mar sin innis dhomh an robh gnothach sam bith agad ris na thachair? (Because I know you, that's why I ask you, son, so tell me, did you have anything to do with what happened?)

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